Video by Operando

Have you ever found yourself at a crossroads, desperately seeking direction?

Perhaps you’ve faced a challenge so daunting that your heart cried out for an escape route. In these moments, we often turn to prayer.

But there’s a specific type of prayer that can transform our perspective and align our hearts with God’s purpose. This is the prayer of submission.

Let me take you on a journey to the Garden of Gethsemane, where Jesus himself wrestled with the most difficult decision of his earthly life.

Imagine the darkness, feel the weight of anticipation in the air, and listen to the anguished words of our Savior as he prays:

“Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done.” Luke 22:42 (NIV)

This poignant moment captures the essence of the prayer of submission – a powerful act of surrendering our desires to God’s perfect plan.

Today, we’ll explore this life-changing practice and discover how it can deepen our faith and bring us into closer communion with our Heavenly Father.

Key Takeaways

  • The prayer of submission is about aligning our will with God’s.
  • Jesus provides the ultimate example of submission in Gethsemane.
  • Submission involves acknowledging God’s authority, surrendering our will, trusting His wisdom, and committing to obedience.
  • Prayer helps us resist temptation and stay committed to God’s path.
  • While challenging, submission leads to spiritual growth and deeper intimacy with God.

Understanding the Prayer of Submission

Understanding the Prayer of Submission

The prayer of submission is more than just words; it’s a heartfelt surrender to God’s will. By acknowledging that while we may have our own desires and plans, we should trust that God’s wisdom surpasses our own. 

This type of prayer is rooted in faith and demonstrates our commitment to following God’s path, even when it differs from our own preferences.

What Prayer Is and Isn’t

Before we dive deeper, let’s clarify what prayer truly means:

  • Prayer is communion with God.
  • It is not vain repetitions or ritualistic practices.
  • We pray to God the Father in the name of Jesus.
  • Prayer should come from a place of love and forgiveness.

The Biblical Context of the Prayer of Submission

Garden Of Gethsemane

To fully grasp the power of the prayer of submission, we need to look at its most profound example in Scripture – Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Jesus in Gethsemane: The Ultimate Example

Matthew 26:36-46 provides a vivid account of Jesus’ struggle and ultimate submission to God’s will. Here, we see Jesus:

  • Experiencing deep emotional distress.
  • Seeking support from his disciples.
  • Praying earnestly, to the point of sweating blood.
  • Repeatedly submitting to the Father’s will.

This passage demonstrates that submission isn’t always easy, even for Jesus. It can involve internal conflict and requires persistence in prayer.

Key Elements of the Prayer of Submission

Key Elements of the Prayer of Submission

1. Acknowledging God’s Authority

When we pray a prayer of submission, we recognize God’s sovereignty over our lives. We humble ourselves before Him, understanding that His ways are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:9).

2. Surrendering Our Will

Submission involves letting go of our own desires and embracing God’s plan. This can be challenging, especially when God’s will seems difficult or unclear.

3. Trusting in God’s Wisdom

A prayer of submission is rooted in the belief that God knows best. We trust that His plans for us are good, even when we can’t see the full picture (Jeremiah 29:11).

4. Committing to Obedience

Submission isn’t just about words; it’s about action. When we pray this prayer, we’re committing to follow through with obedience to God’s guidance.

The Role of Prayer in Facing Temptation

Make Prayer A Priority

Jesus emphasized the importance of prayer in resisting temptation. In Luke 22:46 (NIV), He said to His disciples:

“Why are you sleeping? Get up and pray so that you will not fall into temptation.”

Prayer strengthens our resolve and helps us align our will with God’s, making it easier to resist the temptation to quit or stray from God’s path.

Practical Applications of the Prayer of Submission

Including the prayer of submission into our daily lives can transform our relationship with God and our approach to challenges. Here are some practical steps:

  1. Start your day with a prayer of submission.
  2. Practice listening for God’s guidance in quiet moments.
  3. When faced with decisions, pray for God’s will to be clear.
  4. Regularly examine your motives and align them with God’s purposes.
  5. Be willing to let go of your plans if they don’t align with God’s will.

Challenges in Practicing Submission

Challenges in Practicing Submission

Submitting to God’s will isn’t always easy. We may face:

  • Internal resistance from our own desires.
  • Cultural influences that promote self-reliance.
  • Fear of the unknown or potential suffering.
  • Doubt about hearing God’s voice correctly.

Remember, even Jesus struggled with submission. It’s okay to wrestle with God’s will, as long as we ultimately choose to trust and obey Him.

The Rewards of Submission

While submission can be challenging, it also brings great rewards:

  1. Peace that surpasses understanding (Philippians 4:7).
  2. Clarity of purpose and direction.
  3. Deeper intimacy with God.
  4. Spiritual growth and maturity.
  5. Witnessing God’s power work through us.


In conclusion, the prayer of submission is a powerful tool in our spiritual journey. It aligns our hearts with God’s purposes, deepens our trust in Him, and opens the door to experience His power in our lives. 

As we learn to pray like Jesus did in Gethsemane – “Not my will, but yours be done” – we’ll find ourselves growing in faith, overcoming challenges, and walking more closely with our Heavenly Father.

Remember, submission isn’t about losing yourself; it’s about finding your true purpose in God’s perfect plan.

So today, why not take a step towards deeper submission? Offer your plans, your desires, and your future to God in prayer. You might just find that in letting go, you gain more than you ever imagined.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. How do I know if I’m truly submitting to God’s will?

A. True submission is reflected in both your attitude and actions. You’ll find yourself seeking God’s guidance more often, being open to His direction even when it differs from your plans, and feeling a sense of peace about following His lead.

Q. Can I still express my desires to God in a prayer of submission?

A. Absolutely! Jesus expressed His desire to avoid suffering in Gethsemane. The key is to express your desires while ultimately yielding to God’s will.

Q. How can I discern God’s will when praying?

A. Discerning God’s will involves studying Scripture, seeking wise counsel, paying attention to circumstances, and listening to the Holy Spirit’s guidance. Regular prayer and communion with God will help you become more attuned to His voice.

Q. Is it okay to struggle with submission?

A. Yes, even Jesus struggled with submission in Gethsemane. The important thing is to bring your struggles to God honestly and ultimately choose to trust and obey Him.

Q. How can I grow in my ability to submit to God?

A. Growing in submission is a process. Start by practicing daily surrender in small things, studying examples of submission in Scripture, and surrounding yourself with believers who encourage your faith.

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