Video by Matthew Kelly

It was a crisp autumn morning, and the leaves danced playfully in the gentle breeze as Fancie made her way to her favorite coffee shop.

She had been grappling with a deep sense of discontentment, feeling like something was missing in her life despite her faithful church attendance and proclamation of faith.

Little did she know that this morning would unveil a life-altering revelation about the true essence of Christianity.

As she settled into her cozy corner, she opened her well-worn Bible and started reading a passage that had always puzzled her:

“Greater love has no one than this, that someone lay down his life for his friends.”

John 15:13 (ESV)

Fancie had heard this verse countless times, but its profound meaning had somehow eluded her. That is, until today.

The Call to Lay Down Your Life

The Call To Lay Down Your Life

In that quiet moment, the words seemed to leap off the page, resonating deep within her soul.

Fancie realized that Jesus wasn’t merely speaking figuratively; He was challenging His followers to a radical way of life – a life poured out for others.

The Gospel accounts vividly depict Jesus embodying this principle. He denied Himself, took up His cross daily, and ultimately laid down His life for humanity (Luke 9:23).

And as Fancie delved deeper into the Scriptures, she discovered that this wasn’t just a suggestion – it was a command.

The Apostle Paul echoed this sentiment, urging believers not to seek their own interests but to bear one another’s burdens (Romans 15:1-3, 1 Corinthians 10:24).

“Let no one seek his own, but each one the other’s well-being.”

1 Corinthians 10:24 (NKJV)

Fancie realized that true Christianity wasn’t about personal gain or spiritual development; it was about selfless love and service to others.

Misunderstandings About Suffering

Misunderstandings About Suffering

As Fancie continued her study, she uncovered a common misunderstanding that had plagued the church for centuries: the belief that suffering is for personal spiritual growth.

The Apostle Peter, however, painted a different picture, emphasizing that true Christian suffering is for the cause of Christ, the benefit of the Kingdom, and the good of others (1 Peter).

Fancie realized that the idea of enduring hardship solely for one’s spiritual development was a deception, a distortion of the true essence of Christianity.

The joy and fulfillment she had been seeking could only be found in laying down her life for others, just as Christ had done.

The Joy in Laying Down Your Life

The Joy in Laying Down Your Life

Contrary to popular belief, laying down one’s life is not a depressing act; it is a path to true joy and fulfillment.

Jesus Himself spoke of the joy that would remain in those who obeyed His commandments, including the command to love one another as He had loved them.

“These things I have spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full.”

John 15:11 (NKJV)

The author of Hebrews sheds further light on this truth, revealing that Jesus endured the cross “for the joy set before Him”:

“Looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Hebrews 12:2 (NKJV)

Fancie realized that the more she poured herself out for others, the more she would experience the indescribable joy that comes from walking in the footsteps of her Savior.

Practical Ways to Lay Down Your Life

The Joy In Laying Down Your Life

But how does one practically lay down their life in the modern world?

Fancie discovered that it could take many forms, such as using her faith and resources to meet the needs of others.

She remembered a story about a man who felt led by God to pay off a friend’s car debt, only to have his own car paid off soon after by someone else.

Other ways to lay down one’s life include serving and refreshing others through acts of love and kindness, putting their interests before her own desires (Philippians 2:4), and being attentive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in how to bless those around her.

“Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interests of others.”

Philippians 2:4 (NKJV)

The Addictive Nature of Selfless Love

The Addictive Nature of Selfless Love

As Fancie began to implement these principles in her daily life, something remarkable happened – she became addicted to the joy and satisfaction of laying down her life for others.

Where once she had felt discontented, now she felt a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment.

She found herself craving opportunities to bless and refresh those around her, feeling that something was missing if she went a day without helping or serving someone.

Fancie had tapped into the true essence of Christianity, and it had transformed her from the inside out.

Key Takeaways

  • Laying down one’s life for others is the true mark of a genuine Christian, exemplified by Jesus Himself.
  • True Christian suffering is not for personal spiritual development but for the cause of Christ and the benefit of others.
  • Contrary to popular belief, laying down one’s life brings joy and fulfillment, not depression.
  • Practical ways to lay down one’s life include using one’s faith and resources to meet others’ needs, serving and refreshing others through acts of love, and putting others’ interests before one’s own desires.
  • As one practices laying down their life, they become addicted to the joy and satisfaction it brings, craving opportunities to bless and serve others.


As Fancie left the coffee shop that morning, she felt a renewed sense of purpose and a deep longing to share this life-changing revelation with others.

She knew that true Christianity – laying down one’s life for others – was not just a concept to be studied but a daily reality to be lived out.

And as she embraced this truth, she found herself becoming more and more like the One she professed to follow – the One who laid down His life for her.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Isn’t it selfish to focus on laying down my life for others?

A. Not at all! Jesus Himself commanded us to love others as He loved us, which means putting their interests before our own. This is the very essence of selflessness and the path to true fulfillment.

Q. What if I don’t have the resources to meet others’ needs?

A. Laying down one’s life is not limited to financial resources. It can be as simple as offering a listening ear, performing acts of kindness, or being attentive to the leading of the Holy Spirit in how to bless those around you.

Q. What if I’m already overwhelmed with responsibilities? Isn’t it unrealistic to take on more?

A. The key is to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit and not overextend yourself. Start small and be faithful in the little things. As you practice laying down your life, God will provide the grace and strength to do more.

Q. Isn’t it enough to attend church and profess faith in Christ?

A. While these are important aspects of the Christian life, the true essence of Christianity is to follow in the footsteps of Jesus, who laid down His life for others. Attending church and professing faith without laying down one’s life for others falls short of the mark.

Q. How can I maintain joy and avoid burnout while laying down my life for others?

A. Remember that true joy comes from abiding in Christ’s love and following His example. Take time to rest and recharge in His presence, and trust Him to renew your strength.

Additionally, surrounding yourself with a supportive community of believers can help sustain you on this journey.

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