I stumbled upon the concept of the tabernacle prayer a few years ago when I was going through an extremely difficult season in my life.
In 2020, my health was deteriorating, finances were tight during the COVID pandemic, and relationships were strained. I was desperate for a breakthrough, but my regular prayers didn’t seem to be working.
Then I heard a sermon on the Tabernacle pattern of prayer. Intrigued, I studied the Old Testament Tabernacle and discovered an incredible secret to powerful prayer.
My Discovery of The Tabernacle Prayer

In the Old Testament, the Tabernacle was the dwelling place of God on earth. It gave the Israelites access to God’s presence and power.
“Then have them make a sanctuary for me, and I will dwell among them.”
Exodus 25:8 (NIV)
I realized the tabernacle layout is actually a prayer pattern that guides us progressively into deeper intimacy with God.
Just like the priests in the Old Testament entered through each area of the Tabernacle during worship, you too can follow this same route as you pray to experience more of God’s presence and power.
When I began to pray the Tabernacle prayer, my breakthroughs finally came! God’s presence and power invoked miracles, healing, and restoration in my life.
What is the Significance of The Tabernacle Prayer?

The tabernacle prayer uses the physical tabernacle layout, materials, furnishings, and rituals as a guide for prayer.
By following this pattern, your prayers will align with the will and purposes of God.
You will gain access to His presence and power.
“Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.”
Matthew 6:10 (KJV)
Just as the Tabernacle was the house of God and place of prayer on earth, the Tabernacle prayer brings Heaven to earth today through God’s manifested presence, glory, and power as you pray.
The Tabernacle Prayer Pattern

The Tabernacle was comprised of three main areas:
- The Outer Court.
- The Inner Court.
- And the Most Holy Place.
There was a progressive pathway towards God’s presence.
Let’s explore the meaning and purpose behind each area and how it applies to your prayer strategy and connection with God.
1. The Outer Court – Surrendering Your Life to God

The first area when entering the Tabernacle is the outer court. This section was open to all and marked the passage from the outside world into God’s presence.
The outer court contains the Brazen Altar and the Laver.
a) The Brazen Altar – Surrender Your Sin
When the priest entered the outer court he first came to the Brazen Altar where animal sacrifices were made.
The priest had to approach this altar first since it facilitated atonement before going further. This is where the sacrificial animals were killed and their blood applied on the altar.
“Without shedding of blood there is no remission [of sins].”
Hebrews 9:22 (KJV)
The Brazen Altar represents repentance, confession, surrender of sin, fleshly desires, and your life.
Just as animal sacrifices covered sins temporarily the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin.
As you repent and plead Jesus’ blood in prayer, you receive cleansing and reconciliation with God, preparing you to go deeper.
brazen Altar Prayer Points:
- Repent from all known and unknown sins.
- Plead the blood of Jesus over your life.
- Die to fleshly desires and human will.
- Surrender your life completely to God.
b) The Laver – Surrender Your Will
After sacrifices were made, the priest cleansed himself at the next piece – the bronze Laver filled with water. This cleansing prepared him to enter the inner court.
The Laver signifies sanctification by washing with water through the Word (Ephesians 5:25-26 NIV) and surrendering to God’s will.
“25 …Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her 26 to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word.”
As you present your body as a living sacrifice (Romans 12:1), submit fully to God’s will in prayer at the Laver.
You will receive empowerment to walk deeper into His presence.
Laver Prayer Points:
- Submit every area of your life to God’s will.
- Allow the Word of God to cleanse, transform, and renew your mind.
- Consecrate your body as a living sacrifice unto God.
- Ask God to reveal and empower you to walk in His specific plan for your life.
After preparing at the Brazen Altar and Laver, you’ll now be ready to enter the next area…
2. The Inner Court – Communing With God

The inner court signifies intimacy with God. This section was only accessible to priests, showing that only those who have sacrificed their fleshly desires and surrendered to God’s will can commune with Him.
The inner court holds:
- The Golden Lampstand.
- The Table of Showbread.
- The Altar of Incense.
a) The Golden Lampstand – Receiving Illumination
The Golden Lampstand was the only source of light in the inner court, representing God’s illumination.
Its seven branches symbolize complete light. The number 7 in the Bible represents completion or perfection.
As you pray at the Golden Lampstand, invite God’s revelation to fill you and light up every dimension of your life – spirit, soul, body, finances, relationships, purpose, etc.
Golden Lampstand Prayer Points:
- Invite the Holy Spirit’s presence and fire to fall afresh on you.
- Ask God for wisdom, clarity, and insight into any situation you’re facing.
- Request fresh revelation of His Word and will for your life.
B) The Table of Showbread – Feasting on God’s Word
The Table of Showbread represents the Word of God. Its 12 loaves represent the bread of life and God’s perpetual covenant that feeds and nourishes us.
As you pray here, feed on Scripture, and commune with God, allowing His Word to renew your mind.
Like the psalmist, we are “anointed with fresh oil”, equipped and empowered to advance His Kingdom.
“But my horn You have exalted like a wild ox; I have been anointed with fresh oil.”
Psalm 92:10 (NKJV)
Table of Showbread Prayer Points:
- Pray through and feed on Scripture.
- Ask God to reveal deeper meaning and application of His Word.
- Receive fresh anointing, empowerment, and impartation as you commune with Him.
c) Altar of Incense – Releasing the Fragrance of Worship
A small golden altar stood before the veil separating the inner and outer courts, holding burning incense that represents our prayers.
“And when he had taken it, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of God’s people.”
Revelation 5:8 (NIV)
The aroma and smoke ascending to Heaven symbolizes your worship being offered to God.
The incense was made of four fragrant spices blended equally – representing prayer and worship that’s balanced and blended with God’s anointing.
At the Altar of Incense surrender the areas of frustration and emotional pain, align your heart to God’s will, and release the blended fragrance of worship and raw, honest prayer.
Be confident that God receives all you offer, securing blessings for you.
“3 Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all God’s people, on the golden altar in front of the throne. 4 The smoke of the incense, together with the prayers of God’s people, went up before God from the angel’s hand.”
Revelation 8:3-4 (NIV)
Altar of Incense Prayer Points:
- Completely surrender hurt, bitterness, and frustration to God.
- Praise and worship Him for who He is and His goodness (Psalm 34:1).
- Pray raw, honestly – secure that He receives all your petitions.
After worshipping and communing in the inner courts, you’ll finally be ready for the last leg of your prayer.
3. Entering the Most Holy Place – God’s Manifest Presence

The Most Holy Place represents experiencing God’s very presence and power.
In the Old Testament, the High Priest alone could enter here just once a year on the Day of Atonement after extensive cleansing and preparation.
The Most Holy Place holds the Ark of The Covenant which contained the two stone tablets of the Ten Commandments – God’s eternal Word.
The lid of the Ark was a separate piece called the Mercy Seat. Here God’s presence dwelt between two golden cherubim.
This intensely powerful place was where God’s Shekinah glory manifested and miracles happened, signifying the awesome power and presence available through prayer.
Most Holy Place Prayer Points:
- Enter God’s presence with praise (Psalm 100:4).
- Make declarations and decrees.
- Pray God’s Word (His will) to be established on earth.
- Listen for His voice.
- Make petitions that align with His will.
Key Takeaways
- The Old Testament Tabernacle provides a powerful prayer pattern that ushers you into God’s presence.
- The Tabernacle prayer aligns your petitions with God’s purposes as you surrender and commune along the Tabernacle pathway.
- Praying through the Brazen Altar, Laver, Golden Lampstand, Table of Showbread, Altar of Incense, and Most Holy Place facilitates deeper intimacy with God and activation of His miraculous power.
In Conclusion
I now start each morning praying through the Tabernacle pattern of prayer.
I begin with surrender at the Outer Court altar. Then I go on to receive empowerment in the Inner Courts. Finally, I experience intimate fellowship with God in the Most Holy Place.
Centering my prayer strategy around the Tabernacle has completely transformed my prayer life.
As I continually surrender my fleshly desires and commune intimately with God daily through this blueprint, I walk in deeper realms of His miraculous glory and power.
All believers can have access to God’s presence through the Tabernacle prayer!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What are the main areas of the Tabernacle?
A. The three main areas of the Tabernacle are the Outer Court, Inner Court, and Most Holy Place.
Q. What is the order of approach in tabernacle prayer?
A. The order is Brazen Altar, Laver, Golden Lampstand, Table of Showbread, Altar of Incense, then Most Holy Place. This allows progressive intimacy with God and greater revelation of the will of God for your life.
Q. Why is it important to follow the Tabernacle prayer pattern?
A. Aligning with the tabernacle pathway enables your petitions to sync with Heaven’s purposes. As you surrender and commune along the way, you gain access to deeper realms of God’s presence and power.