The windswept desert stretched endlessly in front of Joshua as he gazed out over the Promised Land.
Though the Israelites had wandered this wilderness for decades, soon Joshua would lead them across the Jordan to finally claim the land God had promised.
But uncertainty and fear crept into Joshua’s heart. How could he possibly conquer great-walled cities and mighty armies?
Joshua was no Moses – he didn’t have the experience or wisdom to guide a nation.
As doubt clouded Joshua’s mind, he remembered the words the Lord had spoken to him:
“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Joshua 1:9 (NIV)
God’s words ignited a fiery resolve in Joshua’s spirit. The formidable obstacles ahead no longer seemed insurmountable with the Lord fighting by his side.
Joshua set his jaw and stood tall, determination shining in his eyes. With God’s strength flowing through him, he would lead with boldness and unwavering tenacity.
The coming battles would require great courage, but Joshua now knew that with God’s help, victory was assured.
Just as God empowered Joshua, He wants to empower you to live with resilient courage in the face of fear and discouragement.
When adversity threatens to stop you in your tracks, you can draw on the Lord’s endless strength to press forward with steadfast spirit.
With God fighting for you, you can develop unshakable courage to conquer every giant in your life.
7 Steps to Overcome Fear and Discouragement

1. Realize You Are Not Alone
When anxiety or hardship hits, it’s easy to feel alone and overwhelmed. But the Bible gives many examples of heroes who also faced fear and discouragement.
Elijah grew so discouraged after threats from Queen Jezebel that he wanted to die.
He came to a broom bush, sat down under it and prayed that he might die. “I have had enough, Lord,” he said. “Take my life; I am no better than my ancestors.”
1 Kings 19:4 (NIV)
Yet God comforted him, renewed his strength, and extended his life and purpose.
Queen Esther felt afraid to approach the king to save her people, but gained courage through her cousin Mordecai‘s words to do what was needed (Esther 4:10-16).
Even dynamic leaders like Moses, Peter, and David had moments of deep distress.
You don’t need to feel shame for experiencing human emotions. With God’s help, you can develop courageous resilience to rise above them. You are not alone!
2. Be Honest with God

Rather than hide feelings from God, bring them into the light! Just as Job poured out his anguish when friends let him down:
2 “If only my anguish could be weighed and all my misery be placed on the scales! 3 It would surely outweigh the sand of the seas—no wonder my words have been impetuous.
Job 6:2-3 (NIV)
Just as King David wrote Psalms expressing dismay, you too can freely admit your struggles to God. He is your best and most compassionate listener.
Tell God you feel afraid or discouraged. He will not condemn you but will rush to comfort and strengthen you.
As you boldly bring Him your real feelings, your faith will grow as you experience His faithful help.
3. Feed Your Mind with Truth

Fear and discouragement gain ground when we obsess over negative thoughts.
Refuse to endlessly mull over ideas like “This situation is hopeless” or “I’ll never recover from this.” Such meditation leads down an ever-darker mental path.
Instead, feed your mind with God’s encouraging truths. Replace lies with His Word. Let verses like Isaiah 41:10 (NIV) empower you:
“Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
With a mind controlled by the Holy Spirit, you can find life and peace:
“The mind governed by the flesh is death, but the mind governed by the Spirit is life and peace.”
Romans 8:6 (NIV)
Your thoughts determine your reality, so ensure they align with God’s perspective.
4. Encourage Yourself Through Christ

David exemplified how to encourage himself in God when he faced devastation. After the Amalekites raided his city and took all the women and children captive, even his men wanted to stone him.
“David was greatly distressed because the men were talking of stoning him; each one was bitter in spirit because of his sons and daughters. But David found strength in the Lord his God.”
1 Samuel 30:6 (NIV)
Rather than give in to complete despair, David found strength in the Lord his God.
He strengthened himself in God’s promises. God then led him to pursue and defeat the Amalekites, recovering all that was stolen from him. When discouragement hits, follow David’s example.
Put on praise music that lifts your spirit. Read encouraging Bible verses or passages. Call a friend to pray with you. Speak Jesus’ powerful name over your fears. Remind yourself of God’s faithfulness.
With these practices, you’ll find strength rising within your courageous heart!
5. Change Your Thinking

In Romans 12:2 (ESV) the Apostle Paul urges:
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind.”
When you shift your thinking to align with God’s thoughts – trading lies for His truth – you’ll experience an inner metamorphosis. This mental renewal empowers you to discern and walk in God’s will for your life.
Ask the Holy Spirit to help you identify destructive thought patterns like negativity or toxic self-talk. Consciously reject these mentalities that contradict God’s perspective of you.
Instead, cultivate thinking that reflects your identity as a cherished child of God. Renewing your mind is key to lasting change.
6. Speak Jesus’ Name

Scripture says:
“The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.”
Proverbs 18:10 (NIV)
Simply invoking Jesus’ powerful name can dispel anxiety and discouragement in a moment! Just repeating “Jesus” can bring peace and hope.
There is power in His name to break strongholds and silence the lies of the devil. Let “Jesus” be your battle cry against fear.
Allow the truth of who He is to reshape your thinking. Jesus’ name has the power to steady your mind!
7. Choose Courage Over Comfort

Stepping out in courage often means moving beyond what feels safe and familiar. Though courage feels uncomfortable at first, living in constant fear traps us in smallness.
You must resolve to live with boldness, confronting challenges rather than withdrawing indefinitely.
Ask God to help you identify areas where fear is holding you back. Is He calling you to courageously mend a relationship, use your gifts, or share your story?
Be determined to follow His leading beyond your comfort zone. You will uncover strength you never knew you had!
The Lord stands ready to empower you to live and lead with boldness.
Will you accept the challenge? Will you allow Him to ignite courage within? The choice is yours.
Choose to be strong and courageous!
8 Bible Verses on Being Strong and Courageous

Key Takeaways
Living courageously means moving boldly through challenges and adversity, rather than letting fear have the final say. It requires fortitude and an unyielding spirit deep within.
Yet you do not need to rely on your strength. God promises to empower you Himself saying:
“Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go”
Joshua 1:9 (NIV)
What obstacles are holding you back as you wait for courage to appear?
God says courage is already within you through His Spirit. Will you defiantly claim it today? Will you bravely stride forward, refusing to listen to doubt’s fearful hissed lies?
You were made to stand tall. It’s time to be strong and courageous!
With God before you, no enemy can stop you. Boldly walk into the life He has waiting.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How can I be strong and courageous when I feel weak and afraid?
A. Turn to God for strength when you feel weak. Ask Him to empower you even in shaking moments.
Also, recall times God has helped you to be brave in the past. Let those memories stir courage within. Speak boldly over yourself, proclaiming God’s truth.
Q. What if I pray for courage but still struggle with fear?
A. Courage is not the absence of fear, but moving forward despite feeling afraid. Even if you still feel fearful, take bold steps of faith.
Develop a habit of acting courageously in small ways every day. As you practice courage, it will start coming more naturally.
Also, spend more focused time renewing your mind in Scripture and prayer. Ask God to strengthen you with a spirit of power, love, and sound judgment (2 Timothy 1:7).
Q. How can I find motivation when I feel discouraged?
A. Pray and ask God to ignite motivation within you again. Talk to a trusted friend who can help spark inspiration.
Focus on your “why” – your purpose. Recall why you started this endeavor and who it will help. Write down the reasons you’re passionate about. List previous wins. Start taking small actions again and momentum will build.
Lastly, revisit your vision – where you see yourself long-term. Keeping the big picture in mind fuels motivation.
Q. Where can I find the mention of being strong and courageous in the Bible?
A. The mention of being strong and courageous can be found throughout the Bible.
One specific verse is Joshua 1:9, where God tells Joshua:
“Be strong and very courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.”
Q. Why is the command to be strong and courageous important?
A. This command reminds us to trust in God’s presence and power. It encourages us to have faith and not let fear or discouragement hinder our progress.
Q. How can I develop strong and courageous characteristics?
A. By studying verses that talk about courage, trust, and obedience, you can learn to be strong and of good courage.
Additionally, trusting in the Lord and being careful to obey His commands will help you to develop courage.