As a young Christian 25 years ago, my pastor preached a sermon from the Book of Joshua that has stuck with me all these years:
She preached on the importance of meditating on God’s Word – not just reading it, but truly pondering the meaning and seeking to apply it.
“This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.”
Joshua 1:8 (NKJV)
Meditating on Scripture helps you to strengthen your relationship with God.
It makes His voice clear and aligns your perspective with His truth. As you reflect on His promises, guidance, and character, you’ll find intimacy with Him.
If you want to strengthen your faith by including meditation in your private Bible study, here’s a beginner’s guide to get you started!
What is Meditation on the Word of God?

To meditate on the Word means having an intimate conversation with God.
You quiet your heart, focus deeply on a verse or passage, and prayerfully reflect on what it means and how it applies to your life.
Rather than rushed reading, meditation involves carefully thinking through Scripture and inviting the Holy Spirit to reveal insights to you. It’s listening to God speak through His Word.
As you ponder and treasure Bible verses in your heart, you’ll gain wisdom and perspective to walk in obedience to the Word of God. Meditating on God’s truth renews your mind (Romans 12:2) and transforms you.
“1 Blessed is the one…2 whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night.”
Psalm 1:1-2 (NIV)
How to Meditate on the Word of God: 6 Simple Steps

Meditating on Scripture is a spiritual discipline that takes some practice, but anyone can learn! Here are six simple steps to get you started:
1. Find a quiet spot
Find a quiet place and time where you can be alone, away from distractions. Meditation requires focused reflection without multitasking.
2. Read the verse or passage slowly
Read through the verse or passage slowly and carefully several times. Let the words sink in. As you read, pray for the Holy Spirit to reveal the insights in this scripture.
3. Think deeply about the meaning
Ponder what the passage means. Look up cross-references and consult commentaries if it helps deepen your understanding. How does this Scripture reveal God’s character and promises?
4. Apply it personally
Ask yourself, “How does this verse apply to my life right now? What is God saying to me?” Listen for His voice. Be willing to realign your perspectives, attitudes, and actions based on His Word.
5. Write down your reflections
Journal your thoughts, questions, and insights during meditation. This helps capture what God is showing you. Review your journal over time to see patterns of how He has spoken to you through His Word.
6. Pray over your reflections
Finally, bring your meditation before God in prayer. Thank Him for what He has shown you and ask for grace and strength to walk it out. This keeps your meditation centered on growing your relationship with Him.
Tips for Meditating on Scripture More Effectively

Here are some additional pointers to help you get the most out of Biblical meditation:
- Memorize the key verse: Scripture memory aids meditation because you can recall verses anytime to reflect on. Memorize the verse or phrase that stands out to you each time you read the Bible.
- Use Bible study tools: Commentaries, dictionaries, cross references, etc. provide valuable context to inform your meditation. Allow these tools to launch deeper reflections.
- Limit it to a short passage: Just a few verses or even one verse is enough! Don’t get overwhelmed trying to meditate long sections. Short Scripture portions help focus meditation.
- Vary your meditation methods: For example, try integrating Scripture with worship music, art journaling, nature walks, and other creative expressions. Find what makes reflection meaningful for you.
- Meditate consistently: Set aside regular time to meditate, before rushing into other Bible reading. Frequency develops your ability to hear God’s voice through His Word.
- Fight distractions: When your mind wanders, gently return your focus to Scripture. Persist through distractions to build your concentration muscles!
- Pray beforehand: Ask God to guide your meditation and highlight the insights from Scripture that you need today. Depend on the Holy Spirit to light up God’s Word in your heart.
Powerful Scriptures for Meditation

Wondering which Bible verses are good for meditation? Here are some suggestions:
- The Lord’s Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13): Reflect deeply on this passage as a pattern for prayer.
- The Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23): Consider how these traits are evident in your life and where more growth is needed.
- The Good Shepherd (Psalm 23): Savor this beloved psalm that describes God’s faithful shepherding and pray it back to Him.
- The Armor of God (Ephesians 6:10-18) – Visualize putting on each piece of armor daily, relying on God’s strength.
- True Worship & Mind Renewal (Romans 12:1-2): As you offer yourself fully to God, ponder true worship and spiritual transformation.
- The Peace of God (Philippians 4:6-7): Apply promises of God’s peace as you refuse anxiety and turn to prayer.
- Key Scripture passages you’re memorizing: Meditate on verses as you memorize them to cement Word treasures in your heart and mind.
Of course, any Scripture the Holy Spirit impresses on you is great for meditation! Be open to receiving a “word for the day” as you read the Bible.
Transform Your Walk with God through Scripture Meditation

I encourage you to start small but be consistent as you learn to include meditation in your devotional times.
Scripture absorption through meditation builds steadfast faith and profoundly shapes you into Christ’s image. You’ll begin comprehending God’s vast love for you in deeper dimensions through His Word.
Meditation helps you to apply biblical truth so that your thoughts, words, and actions align with Jesus’ Kingdom.
As you behold God’s glory in Scripture, He’ll transform you “from one degree of glory to another” (2 Corinthians 3:18).
The more you meditate, the more clearly you’ll discern His voice leading you in every situation with wisdom and grace.
What a beautiful way to know Him deeply and walk in joyful obedience!
Common Questions about Meditating on the Bible
Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about Biblical meditation:
Q. How much time should I spend meditating on a verse?
A. It depends! When starting out, 10-15 minutes of meditating a key phrase works well. With practice, you can reflect for hours on even one verse, as meaning and applications unfold.
However, don’t get legalistic about time. Follow the Spirit’s leading in your meditation journey.
Q. What if I keep falling asleep or losing focus?
A. Distraction happens, so extend grace to yourself! Try standing or walking while you meditate to stay alert. Ask God to renew your concentration.
Listen to your body’s signals too. If you keep dozing off, take a break and come back to meditation when you’re most refreshed.
Q. What if I struggle to understand a verse?
A. This is common and okay! Use study aids like commentaries to clarify meaning. Ask mature believers how they would apply an unclear verse today.
Pray for God to give you revelation. Not every verse will make complete sense, so treasure the parts you do grasp. Discussion with fellow Christians can bring helpful perspective too.
Q. How do I know if meditation is “working”?
A. The goal isn’t to master a technique but to nurture intimacy and obedience to Jesus! Some signs of fruitful Scripture meditation include:
- Glowing love for God.
- Scripture comes to mind to guide your daily choices.
- Wisdom for complex life situations.
- Peace and strength during trials.
- Victory over long-struggling sins.