The soft morning light filtered through the window, casting a gentle glow on Pastor John’s face as he stirred awake. He turned to his wife, Emma, who was still sound asleep, a serene expression on her features.
A wave of love and gratitude washed over him as he remembered the journey that had brought them to this moment.
It hadn’t always been easy. There was a time when Emma was resistant to the idea of serving God, and John felt like he was fighting an uphill battle. But through it all, he remained faithful, committed to loving her as Christ loved the Church (Ephesians 5:25).
He interceded for her daily, never losing hope that she would come to understand the depth of God’s love.
And his perseverance paid off. Emma eventually embraced the faith, and their marriage blossomed into a beautiful testament to the transformative power of Christ’s love.
As they grew in their relationship with God, they discovered that emulating Jesus’ characteristics was the key to a strong, fulfilling union.

In his ministry, Jesus remained unwavering in his commitment to his mission, no matter the challenges he faced.
He was faithful to God’s will, even when it led him to the cross. Similarly, husbands are called to be faithful in their roles as leaders and providers for their families.
“These people all trusted God and as a result, they won battles, overthrew kingdoms, ruled their people well, and received what God had promised them…”
Hebrews 11:33 (TLB)
When a man says “I do,” he takes on the responsibility of being faithful to his wife and his family.
He must be someone his spouse can depend on, someone who will stand firm in his convictions and provide for his loved ones, just as Jesus faithfully provided for his followers.

Jesus’ prayerful nature guided his decisions and actions throughout his ministry. He often withdrew to solitary places to commune with God, seeking wisdom and strength for the challenges ahead.
Husbands, too, must cultivate a prayerful life, continually seeking God’s guidance in their roles as spiritual leaders.
“Then Jesus went with his disciples to a place called Gethsemane, and he said to them, ‘Sit here while I go over there and pray.’”
Matthew 26:36 (ESV)
By incorporating prayer into their daily lives, husbands can draw closer to God and better discern His will for their marriages and families.
They can intercede for their wives, asking God to open their eyes to His truth and strengthen their bond.

Jesus’ leadership style was marked by humility and a willingness to serve. Though he was the Son of God, he did not demand obedience or assert his authority in a domineering way. Instead, he led by example, demonstrating a servant’s heart and selfless love.
“25 You know that the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them, and their high officials exercise authority over them. 26 Not so with you. Instead, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant.”
Matthew 20:25-26 (NIV)
Husbands are called to lead their families in a similar manner, serving and guiding with a gentle, compassionate spirit.
They should seek to meet their wives’ needs, putting their well-being above their own desires, just as Christ sacrificed himself for the Church.

Throughout his ministry, Jesus avoided seeking personal glory or praise. He was content to deflect attention away from himself and towards his Father in Heaven.
This humility is a vital characteristic for husbands to cultivate, as pride and self-importance can quickly erode the foundation of a marriage.
“…I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.”
Matthew 11:29 (NIV)
By putting their wives’ needs before their own and acknowledging their own imperfections, husbands can create an environment of mutual respect and understanding.
They can learn from their wives, valuing their perspectives and insights, just as Jesus valued the perspectives of those around him.

In his teachings and interactions, Jesus demonstrated profound wisdom, navigating complex situations with grace and discernment.
He understood the long-term implications of his actions and made decisions that would impact not only his own life but the lives of countless others.
“But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere.”
James 3:17 (NIV)
Husbands, too, must cultivate godly wisdom, seeking to understand the far-reaching consequences of their choices and actions.
They should be considerate of how their decisions will impact their wives and children, striving to lead their families in a way that honors God and strengthens their bond.

Despite facing numerous challenges and adversities, Jesus remained adaptable, adjusting his approach to meet the needs of those around him.
He navigated storms, confronted opposition, and even endured the agony of the cross, all while maintaining his peace and purpose.
“In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”
John 16:33 (NIV)
Marriages will inevitably face trials and unexpected circumstances, but husbands who emulate Christ’s adaptability can weather these storms with grace and resilience.
They can adjust their perspectives, seek God’s guidance, and find creative solutions that preserve the unity and strength of their union.

Throughout his ministry, Jesus exemplified a heart of generosity and selfless giving. He willingly sacrificed his time, his energy, and ultimately his life for the sake of others.
Husbands are called to emulate this same spirit of giving, putting their wives’ needs above their own desires.
“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.”
2 Corinthians 8:9 (NIV)
By giving of themselves freely, without expecting anything in return, husbands can create an atmosphere of love and security within their marriages.
They can prioritize their wives’ well-being, seeking to meet their emotional, spiritual, and physical needs, just as Christ gave everything for the sake of his beloved Church.

Even in the face of betrayal and injustice, Jesus exemplified the spirit of forgiveness. On the cross, he uttered the words:
“Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing.”
Luke 23:34 (NIV)
This ability to forgive, to let go of resentment and anger, is crucial for a healthy marriage.
“Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.”
Colossians 3:13 (NIV)
Husbands must cultivate a forgiving heart, letting go of past hurts and disappointments.
They should be quick to extend grace and understanding, just as Christ forgave those who crucified him. This creates an environment of healing and restoration, allowing love to flourish and wounds to mend.

Above all, Jesus’ ministry was characterized by a deep, sacrificial love and compassion for humanity. He loved his disciples fiercely, even when they faltered and failed to understand his teachings.
This love, modeled after the love between Christ and the Church, should be the foundation of every marriage.
“Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.”
Ephesians 5:25 (NIV)
By loving their wives with the same selfless, unwavering love that Christ demonstrated, husbands can create a lasting bond that transcends the challenges and trials of this world.
They can pour out their hearts, sacrificing their own desires for the sake of their wives’ well-being, and in doing so, reflect the beautiful, redemptive love of Christ himself.
Key Takeaways
- Emulating Jesus’ characteristics is essential for a strong, Christ-centered marriage.
- Faithfulness, prayerfulness, servant leadership, humility, wisdom, adaptability, giving, forgiveness, and selfless love are key traits husbands should cultivate.
- Like Jesus, husbands should be willing to empty themselves of selfishness and fully commit to their wives’ well-being.
- Prayer, Scripture study, and a close relationship with God provide the foundation for developing these Christlike qualities.
- When husbands model their lives after Jesus, their marriages become a powerful testimony of God’s redemptive love.
As husbands strive to emulate the characteristics of Jesus – faithfulness, prayerfulness, leadership, humility, wisdom, adaptability, giving, forgiveness, and loving – they will find themselves better equipped to navigate the complexities of marriage.
Their unions will be strengthened, their love will deepen, and their families will be a testament to the transformative power of Christ’s love.
For those who have felt discouraged or overwhelmed in their marriages, remember: Jesus’ love is unfailing, and his grace is sufficient.
By seeking to emulate his character, you can find the strength and wisdom to weather any storm, and your marriage can become a reflection of the beautiful, sacred union between Christ and his Church.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Isn’t it unrealistic to expect husbands to fully emulate Jesus?
A. While perfection is impossible, striving to develop Christlike character traits is an admirable and achievable goal for Christian husbands. The key is to rely on God’s grace, wisdom from Scripture, and the power of the Holy Spirit to progressively become more like Jesus each day.
Q. What if my husband isn’t a Christian or isn’t interested in spiritual growth?
A. Prayer is powerful! Consistently lift up your husband and ask God to soften his heart. Model Christlike behavior with grace and humility. Your actions can be an incredible witness.
Q. How can I encourage my husband in his spiritual leadership without nagging?
A. Affirmation and respect go a long way. Express gratitude when he does exhibit spiritual leadership. Discuss your desire for him to lead spiritually from a place of love and mutual submission, not criticism. Pray together.
Q. What if I’m struggling with forgiveness towards my husband?
A. Unforgiveness poisons a marriage. Bring your hurt to God and ask Him to help you forgive as Christ forgave. Sometimes counseling can help facilitate healing. Remember, forgiveness is a choice and a process empowered by God’s grace.
Q. My husband seems to prioritize work over family time. How do I address this?
A. With wisdom from God’s Word and open, humble communication. Affirm your husband’s hard work, then express your desire for more family time in a spirit of love and respect, not accusation. Look for reasonable compromises.
The guiding principle through any marriage challenge? Strive to emulate Christ’s unwavering love, forgiveness, servant leadership, and pursuit of God’s wisdom and glory above all.