Video by DLM Christian Lifestyle

Dan stared at the brand-new Tesla parked in his neighbor’s driveway. A pang of envy twisted in his gut.

“I could get so much done with that kind of money,” he thought, imagining the donations he could make to charities.

Yet a nagging feeling lingered – was he being fully honest with himself? Did he truly want the money to help others, or just to enjoy the luxuries it could provide?

This internal conflict is one that troubles many, even those with noble intentions.

The Bible frankly addresses this tension around money in verses like 1 Timothy 6:10 (ESV):

“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evils.”

What is the Love of Money?

What Is The Love Of Money

To start unpacking this biblical warning, we first need to understand exactly what “the love of money” means.

It’s not merely having money or possessions – after all, the Bible celebrates the wealth of godly leaders like Abraham, David, and Solomon.

The love of money refers to an obsessive desire for it, an idolatrous attachment that places the pursuit of wealth above all else.

Some telltale signs you may struggle with the love of money:

  • Getting upset over how others spend their money.
  • Making life decisions solely based on financial gain.
  • Constantly dreaming about getting richer.
  • Coveting the wealth and possessions of others.

A key distinction – merely having financial goals or a desire for stability is not necessarily sinful. It’s when that desire morphs into an all-consuming drive that you’ve crossed into spiritual danger.

Why is the Love of Money So Dangerous?

Why Is The Love Of Money So Dangerous

So what makes the love of money such a grave threat? The Bible gives a few key reasons:

  • It’s idolatry: Jesus bluntly states “You cannot serve both God and money.” (Matthew 6:24). Allowing money to become your driving pursuit is to essentially make it an idol, giving it the devotion that only God deserves.
  • It breeds hypocrisy: In the gospel accounts, it was the “money-loving” Pharisees who constantly butted heads with Jesus’ teachings on generosity and eternal priorities (Luke 16:14). Unchecked love of money inevitably produces self-justifying spiritual blindness.
  • It reveals misplaced desires: “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Matthew 6:21). If money is your chief aim, that’s where your deepest affections reside – not on God or others.
  • It can never satisfy: As many wealthy but empty individuals can attest, no amount of money can ever meet the soul’s deepest longings for purpose, peace, and eternal belonging.

How to Overcome the Love of Money

How To Overcome The Love Of Money

Overcoming the hold money can have is an ongoing battle, but here are some biblical strategies:

  • Pray for revelation: Ask God to reveal the specific ways money has gripped your heart so you can target those areas through repentance.
  • Renounce covetousness: Consciously reject any mindset of longing for what others have. Replace those feelings with gratefulness for what God has provided for you.
  • Be radically generous: Loosen money’s hold on you by giving it away generously, investing in what will outlast this temporary world.
  • Keep eternity in view: Constantly realign your heart’s gaze on the lasting treasures awaiting in heaven that money cannot buy.

Money is a powerful force in our world, and its allure has derailed many believers throughout history. But armed with biblical wisdom and Spirit-empowered determination, we can loosen its grip and keep it as a servant rather than a master.

Key Takeaways

  • The “love of money” refers to an obsessive, idolatrous attachment to wealth – not merely having money.
  • This love of money is spiritually dangerous as it promotes idolatry, hypocrisy, and misplaced desires, and can never satisfy the soul.
  • The Bible gives strategies like prayer, repentance, generous giving, and keeping an eternal perspective to overcome money’s seductive pull.
  • With vigilance and reliance on God, believers can use money as a tool for Kingdom impact rather than being mastered by it.


Let’s not allow the deceitful allure of wealth to choke out our spiritual vitality.

By fixing our eyes on Christ and viewing money through an eternal perspective, we can maintain a healthy, godly relationship with it.

The love of money is indeed spiritually dangerous – but we have the power in Christ to master that love, rather than being mastered by it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Doesn’t the Bible say “money is the root of all evil”?

A. This is a common misquote. The actual verse is 1 Timothy 6:10 (NIV) which states:

“For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs.”

So it’s not that money itself is the root of evil, but the love of money that causes people to stray into all manner of evil actions and attitudes.

Q. Are rich Christians sinning then?

A. Not necessarily. As the examples of biblical patriarchs show, having wealth is not automatically sinful. The key is how you view and utilize that wealth.

If it has become an idol in your heart that you’re obsessively chasing, then there is a spiritual problem. But if you see it as a blessing from God to steward faithfully for His kingdom, then having money is not an issue.

Q. What did Jesus mean when he said “You cannot serve God and money”?

A. In this verse (Matthew 6:24), Jesus is drawing a sharp contrast – you cannot maintain an ultimate, supreme allegiance to both God and the pursuit of wealth.

At some point, they will come into conflict and you will have to choose which you will prioritize and obey. Most money-related sins stem from this divided allegiance.

Q. Doesn’t the Greek word for “money” in 1 Timothy 6:10 imply it’s specifically talking about excessive greed?

A. Some translations render the Greek word philarguria more specifically as “love of money” while others say “greed for money.”

Regardless of the nuance, excessive greed and obsessive love of money are inextricably intertwined concepts that the verse is warning against – an idolatrous fixation on wealth that displaces God as the top priority.

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