Video by Joyce Meyer Ministries

Beginnings are notoriously difficult. Whether you’re launching a business, relationship, creative pursuit, or entering a new season of life, the road is rarely smooth.

It’s easy to become discouraged and quit when challenges arise.

However, do not despise the day of small beginnings. The Bible says:

“Do not despise these small beginnings, for the eyes of the Lord rejoice to see the work begin…”

Zechariah 4:10 (New Living Translation)

When you understand the value hidden within humble starts, it will change your entire perspective.

In this post, I’ll explore why you should not despise the day of small things and how to find motivation during difficult phases of growth.

Small Beginnings Are Unpleasant, But Not Meaningless

Launching A New Endeavor

Launching a new endeavor is thrilling at first. The initial rush of ideas and excitement carries you forward.

However, the reality often sinks in that a monumental task lies ahead.

Turning an idea into reality requires pushing through massive obstacles, setbacks, and criticism. It tests your patience, resilience, and belief in yourself.

This messy “middle” period can last for years. Steve Jobs was fired from his own company and struggled for over a decade before the iPhone became a reality.

Oprah was told she was unfit for television and battled abysmal ratings for years before building her empire.

During such phases, it’s easy to lose sight of the why and give in to despair. Resist labeling beginnings as meaningless just because they are difficult.

Within every humble start lies the seeds of something groundbreaking.

Do Not Despise Small Beginnings

Do Not Despise Small Things.jpg

When you undervalue early efforts because they appear insignificant, you’ll cut yourself off from future potential. Learn to see difficulties as opportunities for growth.

Your business may only have a handful of customers now, but who knows what it could become in 5 years?

That first blog post may only have 3 views, but it lays the foundation for your budding writing career.

The early sketches seem amateur, but they’re helping you inch closer to artistic mastery.

Do not equate small with worthless. The mightiest oak was once a nut that held its ground.

Why God Rejoices Over Small Beginnings

God Rejoices Over Small Beginnings

We see this reflected in the Bible verse from the Book of Zechariah.

When the Jews returned from captivity to rebuild the temple, God urged them not to “despise the day of small beginnings” even though their early efforts seemed pathetic.

The full passage says:

“”For whoever has despised the day of small things shall rejoice, and shall see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel.”

Zechariah 4:10 (ESV)

God saw the mighty outcome embedded within those first difficult steps. He rejoiced because the rebuilding would strengthen their faith despite their feeble resources.

Learn to see beginnings as God does – not as insignificant, but oozing with future potential.

4 Benefits Hidden Within Humble Starts

Benefits Hidden Within Humble Starts

Beyond the ultimate outcomes, small beginnings provide other underrated benefits:

1. They reveal who genuinely supports you

When you first share your dreams and ideas, many may shoot you down.

Pay attention to those who stand by your side even before there’s evidence of success. These people believe in you – not just your skill, status, or assets.

Surround yourself with encouragers who will uplift you during difficult phases. Cut off naysayers who dampen your spirit.

2. They build resilience and perseverance in you

If achieving your ultimate vision was quick and easy, you may not fully appreciate it.

When it requires pushing through massive barriers, you’ll build spiritual muscles that equip you for future challenges.

James 1:2-4 (NLT) says:

2 Dear brothers and sisters, when troubles of any kind come your way, consider it an opportunity for great joy. 3 For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 4 So let it grow…”

Small beginnings stretch your capacity for resilience and joy in hardship.

3. They keep you humble and teachable

When you finally attain your goal years later, it’s easy to become arrogant and unteachable.

However, small beginnings that require leaning on others for help keep you humble.

You’re more open to guidance when you’re aware of how far you have left to go.

Do not shy away from admitting weaknesses, gaps in knowledge, and the need for growth.

Let this phase make you kinder and more approachable as you rise.

4. They allow experimentation without huge risks

Small beginnings give you room to try new things and gather data without excessive penalties.

If a social media strategy fails, revert and try something else while you only have 50 followers – not 50,000.

Maximize this phase by testing ideas quickly without fear of failure. The lessons learned will prove invaluable when the stakes are higher.

Tips for Making it Through the Messy Middle Stages

Tips For Making It Through Small Beginnings

Here are some tips for persevering through the wilderness between beginning and success:

  • Adjust your mindset. Do not equate smallness with insignificance. Remember that all great things start small, but carry great potential.
  • Celebrate small wins. Break intimidating goals into bite-sized milestones. Recognize each tiny step forward.
  • Ignore critics. Eliminate people who dampen your morale. Surround yourself with encouragers instead.
  • Learn from failures. When things don’t go as expected, study what went wrong and try a new approach. Failures teach what strategies not to use.
  • Review your why. When motivation lags, reconnect with your purpose and vision. Why does this endeavor matter? Who will it impact? How will it change you?

Key Takeaways

Small Beginnings
  • Beginnings are notoriously difficult but do not despise them. Within every small start lies seeds of greatness.
  • Do not equate smallness with meaninglessness. Progress may seem insignificant at first but carries huge future potential.
  • God rejoices over small beginnings because He sees the mighty outcome embedded within early efforts.
  • Small beginnings reveal who genuinely supports you. They build resilience for the journey ahead, keep you humble and teachable, and allow experimentation.
  • See difficulties as growth opportunities. Celebrate small wins. Ignore critics. Learn from failures. And reconnect with your why.


Do not despise small beginnings or allow hardships to taint your vision. With a mindset shift, you can unearth the hidden opportunities within this messy but monumental phase.

What small step will you celebrate today?

Frequently Asked Questions

Q. Why are beginnings so difficult?

A. Launching any new endeavor requires pushing through obstacles, uncertainties, fear, and criticism.

It tests your grit and causes emotional turmoil. But beginnings only feel darkest before the dawn. Stay the course.

Q. How do I stay motivated as a beginner?

A. Think of setbacks as learning opportunities. Track mini-milestones to celebrate progress. Surround yourself with people who uplift you.

Continually reconnect with your purpose and vision to reignite passion.

Q. When will things get easier?

A. The messy “middle stage” between beginning and success can last for years. Embrace the journey, not just the destination.

Build skills to handle mid-journey adversity, while trusting that your efforts are leading somewhere.

Q. How do I ignore critics and naysayers?

A. Limit interactions with people who dampen your spirits. Say “thank you” for their perspective, then quickly change the subject.

Express your feelings to an encourager, not the critic. Stay rooted in your vision – the only approval you need is your own.

Q. What if I fail early on?

A. Failure is part of the process. Study what went wrong, make changes, and try again with the lessons you’ve learned.

Failing early is advantageous because the stakes are smaller in the beginning. Allow yourself grace to fail, but get back up again quickly.

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