The moment you accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, the Holy Spirit came to dwell fully within you. His presence, gifts, and the fullness of His power took up residence in your spirit.
But for many believers, there remains an untapped reservoir of the Holy Spirit’s power in their lives. Though He lives in them, they have not yet learned how to allow His influence to flow freely through them.
Activating and releasing the Holy Spirit’s power in your life is an ongoing process of surrender and faith. As you continually submit yourself to Him, obey God’s Word, and put your trust in His love for you, you’ll experience more and more of the Spirit’s gifts, wisdom, and supernatural power at work through you.
In this post, we’ll explore how you can activate more of the Holy Spirit’s work in your inner life and outward ministry. You’ll learn how surrendering to His leading, releasing His power by faith, and equipping yourself spiritually allow Him to manifest in powerful ways.
1. Surrender to the Holy Spirit’s Leading

The key to experiencing more of the Holy Spirit’s work begins with surrendering moment by moment to His leadership. As you continually die to self and choose to obey God’s will rather than your own, the Spirit’s gifts and power flow freely.
Surrendering yourself to follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance will transform your prayer life. You’ll find a new passion for spending time with the Lord, sometimes praying for hours with ease. Your prayer life will shift from a religious obligation to a delightful experience of encountering God’s presence.
As you yield to the Spirit, He will also light up the Word of God to you in fresh ways. Scripture that once seemed dull will suddenly spring to life. You’ll begin highlighting verses and taking notes eagerly as the Holy Spirit makes the realities of the Word leap off the page into your spirit.
The Holy Spirit has also gifted each believer for ministry and service. But His gifts only operate powerfully as we rely on Him as the source. Don’t attempt to serve God in your own strength or gifting. Let the Holy Spirit guide you into the good works He has prepared for you, and then watch His power manifest as you step out in obedience.
The Bible makes it clear every believer can operate in the gifts of the Spirit. As you surrender to following His voice, the Holy Spirit will bring forth prophecy, healing, miracles, and other supernatural manifestations through you to bless others.
“1Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant…. 4Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. 5And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. 6And there are diversities of operations, but it is the same God which worketh all in all”
1 Corinthians 12:1, 4-6 (KJV)
The key is recognizing the Holy Spirit as the source of it all. Stay surrendered and dependent on Him as your Counselor, Advocate, and Guide into God’s will.
2. Release the Holy Spirit’s Power And Spiritual Gifts

Once you have the Holy Spirit living inside you, it becomes less about getting more of Him and more about releasing more of His power and gifts that already dwell in your spirit.
How do we let more of the Holy Spirit’s work and gifts manifest through us? It starts by believing.
All believers have access to the Holy Spirit’s power, but only some live from that place of spiritual authority. Those who live ready to release His gifts by faith experience more healings, miracles, and breakthroughs by the power of the Spirit.
Faith accesses the Holy Spirit’s power because faith comes by hearing God’s Word (Romans 10:17). As you renew your mind to the Word of God and believe the truth of who you are in Christ, the Holy Spirit’s supernatural work flows through you.
The Holy Spirit also moves in power as we receive the Father’s love for us.
“We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love…”
1 John 4:16 (NLT)
It’s difficult to walk fully in the Spirit’s power if you struggle to receive God’s unconditional love and acceptance. Take time to personally receive the Father’s love. Let Him convince you of His complete delight in you as His child.
As you become rooted in His love, you’ll find it easier and more natural to release the gifts of the Spirit from your inner being by faith. Miracles happen when you know how much you’re loved!
3. Equip Yourself for Victory

Finally, activate more of the Holy Spirit’s power by equipping yourself spiritually for victory over the enemy.
Put on the full armor of God each day through prayer, worship, studying Scripture, and fellowshipping with other believers. Arm yourself with the Word by continually speaking it over your life and circumstances. Allow the Word to reprogram your mind and heart.
And don’t forget – you have the ultimate secret spiritual weapon living inside you: The Holy Spirit Himself!
By equipping yourself with the Word and relying on the Holy Spirit’s help, you’ll be ready to stand firm and resist the devil’s attacks.
You’ll experience the Holy Spirit actively working on your behalf as your rear guard. His power will manifest strongly in your life as you prepare for spiritual battle.
“No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgment you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord, and their righteousness is from me,” says the Lord
Isaiah 54:17 (NKJV)
Key Takeaways: Activating The Power of The Holy Spirit
- The Holy Spirit’s presence and gifts fully dwell in you when you receive salvation in Christ. Surrendering to Him allows those gifts to operate.
- Obeying God’s Word, listening to the Spirit’s voice, and yielding your will to His facilitates greater works of the Holy Spirit in your life.
- Releasing the gifts happens by faith. Believing God’s Word and receiving His love opens the way for the supernatural.
- Equip yourself daily with the Word of God and rely on the Holy Spirit’s help. This gives you victory in spiritual warfare.
- Discover more of who you are and what you can do in Christ as you learn to activate the Holy Spirit’s power in you!
Frequently Asked Questions About Holy Spirit Activation
Q. What does it mean to activate the Holy Spirit?
A. Activating the Holy Spirit means releasing more of His supernatural power and gifts to operate in your life. This happens as you surrender control to Him, exercise faith, and equip yourself spiritually.
Q. How do you know if the Holy Spirit is active in your life?
A. Signs the Holy Spirit is active include a vibrant prayer life, understanding and desire for God’s Word, victory over sin, manifestation of spiritual gifts, and bearing good fruit like love and joy.
Q. Can I live without the Holy Spirit’s help?
A. No, the Holy Spirit is essential both for salvation and the victorious Christian life. You need Him to understand the Bible, display Christlike character, and do God’s work.
Q. What blocks the Holy Spirit from working through me?
A. Sin, unbelief, disobedience, ignorance of God’s Word, and quenching the Spirit by refusing to yield to His promptings all limit His activity. Stay sensitive to Him.
Q. How do I know which spiritual gifts I have?
A. Serving in faith and humility will bring your motivational gifts and talents to the surface over time. The Holy Spirit also confirms your gifts through inner witness and fruitfulness.
By staying devoted to God’s Word, yielded to the Holy Spirit, and grounded in faith, you’ll discover more and more of His gifts and power activated in your life. Be courageous and believe for more! God wants to use you mightily through the Spirit’s work.