Have you ever looked up at the stars at night? Or watched a beautiful sunset? These moments can make us feel small but special at the same time. They show us a tiny bit of how amazing God is.
I’m a church elder, and I love helping people learn about God. Early in the morning, I stood outside and watched the sunrise. The sight was so beautiful that it took my breath away! It helped me understand something important about God.
When we see really beautiful things in nature, it’s like God is showing us a small part of who He is. The Bible calls this “the glory of God.”
In this article, we’ll learn:
- What God’s glory means.
- How we can see God’s glory in our everyday lives.
- Why God’s glory matters to us.
I’ve spent many years studying the Bible and teaching others about God. Now I want to share what I’ve learned with you. Together, we’ll discover how God shows His greatness in ways we can understand.
Let’s explore how we can see God’s glory in the world around us, and why it makes our lives better when we do.
Key Takeaways
- The glory of God is the manifestation of His divine nature and presence.
- God has promised to reveal His glory, both globally and personally.
- Your faith and expectation play a crucial role in experiencing God’s glory.
- The manifest presence of God brings peace, healing, and transformation.
- You can prepare for God’s glory through obedience, worship, and unity.
- As a believer, you are being built into a dwelling place for God’s glory.
What is the Glory of God?

The glory of God is like the sun breaking through storm clouds – it’s His divine nature shining through in our world. It’s His beauty, power, and perfection on display.
When I talk about God’s glory, I’m referring to who He is in all His splendor and majesty. In the Bible, God’s glory often appears as a bright light or a cloud. It’s so powerful that it can make people fall to their knees in awe.
But it’s more than just a visual spectacle. God’s glory is the expression of His character – His love, holiness, and wisdom.
Biblical Examples of God’s Glory

Old Testament Manifestations
1.Moses on Mount Sinai
Picture this: Moses climbing Mount Sinai, disappearing into a thick cloud. For six days, the mountain is shrouded.
On the seventh day, God calls to Moses from within the cloud. The Israelites below see the glory of God like a consuming fire on top of the mountain (Exodus 24:15-18).
This wasn’t just a light show; it was a tangible encounter with the living God. Moses emerged from this experience with a glowing face. It reflected the glory he had witnessed.
2.The Tabernacle
Later, we see God’s glory filling the Tabernacle. It was the portable sanctuary the Israelites carried in the wilderness. Exodus 40:34-35 (NIV) tells us:
“34 Then the cloud covered the tent of meeting, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle. 35 Moses could not enter the tent of meeting because the cloud had settled on it, and the glory of the Lord filled the tabernacle.”
Imagine that – God’s presence so intense that even Moses couldn’t enter!
3.Solomon’s Temple
Fast forward to the dedication of Solomon’s Temple. As the priests and singers praised God in unity, something extraordinary happened. 2 Chronicles 5:13-14 (NIV) recounts:
“13 The trumpeters and musicians joined in unison to give praise and thanks to the Lord. Accompanied by trumpets, cymbals and other instruments, the singers raised their voices in praise to the Lord and sang: ‘He is good; his love endures forever.’ Then the temple of the Lord was filled with the cloud, 14 and the priests could not perform their service because of the cloud, for the glory of the Lord filled the temple of God.”
God’s glory was so overwhelming that even the priests couldn’t stand to minister. Talk about a powerful worship service!
God’s Promise to Reveal His Glory

Prophecies about God’s Glory Filling the Earth
God’s glory isn’t meant to be confined to ancient history. The Bible is full of promises that God’s glory will one day fill the whole earth. Here are a few:
- Numbers 14:21: “Nevertheless, as surely as I live and as surely as the glory of the Lord fills the whole earth…”
- Psalm 72:19: “May the whole earth be filled with his glory.”
- Habakkuk 2:14: “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.”
These verses envision the future. There, God’s glory will be as clear and vast as the ocean. Can you imagine living in a world like that?
Jesus’ Promise to Manifest Himself
In the New Testament, Jesus takes this promise a step further. He doesn’t just talk about a far-off future but about a personal manifestation of God’s glory. In John 14:21 (NIV), Jesus says:
“Whoever has my commands and keeps them is the one who loves me. The one who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love them and show myself to them.”
This is incredible! Jesus promises a personal revelation of Himself. A manifestation of God’s glory – to those who love Him and follow His teachings.
The Importance of Believing for God’s Glory

Faith as a Key to Seeing God’s Glory
Remember when Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead? Before that miracle happened, He said something profound to Martha. In John 11:40 (NIV), Jesus tells her:
“Did I not tell you that if you believe, you will see the glory of God?”
This verse reveals a crucial truth: your faith plays a role in your ability to perceive God’s glory. It’s not that God’s glory isn’t there if you don’t believe. Rather, your faith opens your eyes to recognize and experience it.
Using Your Faith to Actively Expect God’s Manifestation
So how do you put this into practice? It starts with expectation. When you gather with other believers or pray, expect to encounter God’s glory.
This isn’t about manufacturing an emotional experience. It’s about trusting God’s promises and looking for His presence in your everyday life.
The Impact of God’s Manifested Glory

Distinguishing Factor for True Believers
One significant impact of God’s manifested glory is that it sets believers apart. In Exodus 33:16 (NIV), Moses recognizes this:
“How will anyone know that you are pleased with me and with your people unless you go with us? What else will distinguish me and your people from all other people on earth?”
The presence of God’s glory makes us distinct from any other gathering in the world.
Bringing Comfort and Peace
When God’s glory is manifested, it brings deep peace and comfort. Isaiah 11:10 describes it as a “glorious resting place.” In God’s presence, anxieties fade away, and your heart finds rest.
Driving Out Darkness and Sickness
The glory of God is also powerful. Where God’s glory is present, darkness cannot remain; sickness flees.
The Bible has many accounts of God’s presence bringing healing and deliverance.
Preparing for the Manifestation of God’s Glory

Obedience and Love for God
Jesus made it clear: love for God is demonstrated through obedience to His commands (John 14:15). This obedience isn’t about earning His love but aligning your life with His will so that His glory can be revealed.
Reverence and Worship
Throughout Scripture, we see that God’s glory often manifests in an atmosphere of worship. The story from 2 Chronicles 5 exemplifies this perfectly.
Reverence and praise create an environment to experience God’s glory.
Unity in Praise and Thanksgiving
Note how God’s glory filled Solomon’s temple. It happened when musicians and singers were “as one” in their praise. There’s something powerful about unified worship that invites His presence.
The Church as the House of God’s Glory

Believers as Living Stones in God’s House
The apostle Peter describes believers as “living stones.” They are being built into a spiritual house (1 Peter 2:5). This isn’t just poetic language; it’s profound truth about your identity and purpose.
The Purpose of Spiritual Growth and Preparation
All our “building” in our spiritual life is just preparation. It includes discipleship, character growth, and learning to love one another. We’re being built into a dwelling place for God’s glory.
As I wrap up this reflection on God’s glory, I remember that it isn’t just a lofty theological concept. It’s an invitation for you and me to experience His magnificent presence.
In grand corporate worship or in quiet daily moments, God’s glory is there. You need to open your heart and expect His presence. Then watch as He reveals His glory in ways that transform yourlife and impact those around you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What does it mean to glorify God?
To glorify God is to honor Him. Do this by reflecting His character in your words and actions. It’s living in such a way that draws attention to His greatness rather than your own.
Q. How can I see God’s glory in my daily life?
A. Start by cultivating an awareness of His presence. Seek proof in nature or kindness from others. Be grateful for each day’s blessings.
Q. Is experiencing God’s glory just for super-spiritual people?
A. Not at all! God desires to reveal Himself to all His children. Some may have more dramatic experiences. His glory is available to everyone who seeks Him sincerely.
Q. How does understanding God’s glory impact my Christian life?
A. Understanding His glory will give you perspective on who He is relative to you. It will fuel your worship, motivate obedience, and deepen trust in His power.
Q. Can God’s glory be seen in suffering?
A. Yes! Though challenging at times, sometimes it’s revealed through comfort during suffering. Or strength given to endure difficult circumstances. It refines your character along this journey and draws you closer to Him.