As a young child, I remember feeling utterly confused whenever my parents asked me to do something that didn’t make sense to my childish mind.
“Why can’t I play outside when it’s raining?”
I’d protest, unable to grasp the wisdom behind their instructions. It wasn’t until I grew older that I realized they were guiding me according to their understanding, shaped by years of experience and a desire to protect me.
In much the same way, we often find ourselves perplexed by the ways of God—the Almighty, whose thoughts and plans are higher than our own.
We may question His instructions, wondering why He allows certain circumstances or asks us to follow a particular path.
However, just as my parents’ ways were rooted in their love and knowledge, God’s ways stem from His infinite wisdom, holiness, and love for us.
Knowing God’s Ways: Beyond Mere Words

Knowing the ways of God goes far beyond simply memorizing Bible verses or reciting religious phrases. It’s about developing a deep understanding of who God is and how He operates.
Jesus Himself said,
“I am the way, the truth, and the life.”
John 14:6 (KJV)
To truly know God’s ways, we must walk in the footsteps of Christ, allowing His life and teachings to shape our thoughts and actions.
Learning to fly an airplane is a fitting analogy for grasping the importance of understanding the foundation of God’s ways.
A pilot cannot simply hop into the cockpit and expect to take off without first learning the principles of aviation.
Similarly, we cannot expect to navigate the spiritual realm effectively without first knowing God and comprehending the principles that govern His ways.
Learning from Examples: The Children of Israel

The story of the children of Israel in the wilderness serves as a powerful illustration of the consequences of failing to understand and follow God’s ways.
Despite witnessing countless miracles and receiving direct instructions from God through Moses, the Israelites repeatedly rebelled, doubting God’s goodness and disobeying His commands.
As a result, they wandered in the desert for forty years, missing out on the promised land and the blessings that awaited them.
Just as a new employee needs to follow a manual and learn from experienced colleagues, the Israelites had the opportunity to learn God’s ways directly from Moses, but their stubbornness prevented them from fully grasping and embracing those ways.
Importance of Instructions: A Personal Anecdote

In my early years, I had the opportunity to work in a warehouse, and it was there that I learned a valuable lesson about the importance of following instructions.
My job was to fulfill customer orders, a process that involved several precise steps. On my first day, I missed a crucial step, resulting in the order not being fulfilled correctly.
It wasn’t until my supervisor intervened and showed me the missing step that I was able to complete the task successfully.
Similarly, in our spiritual lives, we often miss vital steps or overlook crucial instructions from God, leading to frustration and a sense of being stuck.
By diligently seeking to understand and follow God’s ways, we can avoid unnecessary setbacks and experience the fullness of His blessings.
Role of Church and Ministers: God’s Flight School

Just as a pilot must continuously attend flight school to maintain and enhance their skills, we as believers must remain committed to learning and growing in our understanding of God’s ways.
The church and its ministers play a vital role in this process, acting as God’s “flight instructors” to help us navigate the spiritual realm.
Through their teaching, guidance, and personal examples, ministers can help us identify the steps we may have missed and provide the necessary corrections to get us back on track.
They serve as a guiding light, illuminating the path that leads to a deeper understanding of God’s ways and a more intimate relationship with Him.
Personal Responsibility: Seeking and Learning God’s Ways

While the church and its ministers play a crucial role in our spiritual growth, we each bear a personal responsibility to seek and learn God’s ways actively.
Just as a student cannot rely solely on a teacher’s instruction but must also put in the effort to study and practice, we must engage in a lifelong pursuit of understanding and applying God’s ways.
This may involve setting aside dedicated time for prayer, Bible study, and meditation, as well as being attentive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit in our daily lives.
As we prioritize learning and living according to God’s ways, we open ourselves up to the transformative power of His wisdom and guidance.
Understanding and following God’s ways is not a one-time event but a continuous journey of growth and discovery. As we seek to align our thoughts and actions with His higher ways, we experience the fullness of His blessings, guidance, and peace.
Just as a pilot must trust the principles of aviation to soar safely through the skies, we must trust God’s ways, even when they seem counterintuitive or challenging. For His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:9).
By embracing this truth and committing ourselves to a lifetime of learning and application, we can experience the joy and fulfillment that come from walking in God’s ways and living according to His divine design.
Key Takeaways
- Knowing God’s ways goes beyond mere words; it involves developing a deep understanding of who God is and how He operates.
- Learning from examples, like the Children of Israel in the wilderness, highlights the consequences of failing to understand and follow God’s ways.
- Following instructions precisely is crucial, as illustrated by the personal anecdote of working in a glove factory.
- The church and its ministers play a vital role in guiding believers to understand and follow God’s ways, acting as God’s “flight instructors.”
- Each individual bears a personal responsibility to seek and learn God’s ways actively through prayer, Bible study, meditation, and attentiveness to the Holy Spirit’s promptings.
- Embracing and following God’s higher ways leads to the fullness of His blessings, guidance, and peace in our lives.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why should we follow God’s ways when they seem counterintuitive or challenging?
A. God’s ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts are higher than our thoughts (Isaiah 55:9). His ways stem from His infinite wisdom, holiness, and love for us. By following His ways, even when they seem difficult or confusing, we align ourselves with His divine plan and He will bless us.
Q. How can we discern God’s ways in our daily lives?
A. To discern God’s ways, we must cultivate a close relationship with Him through prayer, Bible study, and attentiveness to the promptings of the Holy Spirit. Additionally, seeking guidance from mature believers, church leaders, and ministers can provide valuable insights and help us please God as we understand His ways better.
Q. What happens if we consistently fail to follow God’s ways?
A. As the story of the Children of Israel in the wilderness illustrates, consistently failing to follow God’s ways can lead to missed blessings, prolonged struggles, and wandering aimlessly. It can also strain our relationship with God and hinder our spiritual growth and understanding.
Q. Can God’s ways change, or are they fixed?
A. While God’s character and nature are unchanging, His ways of dealing with us can vary according to the specific circumstances and seasons of our lives. He tailors His ways to our unique situations and needs, always working for our ultimate good and His glory.
Q. How can we overcome the tendency to stick to our own ways or the world’s ways?
A. Overcoming the tendency to cling to our own ways or the world’s ways requires humility, a willingness to surrender our understanding to God’s higher wisdom, and a commitment to continuous learning and growth. Surrounding ourselves with godly influences, such as fellow believers and biblical teaching, can also help us stay rooted in God’s ways.
Remember, the more we seek to understand and follow God’s ways, the closer we will grow to Him and experience the abundant life He has promised us.