Fancie slammed the fridge shut, the sound echoing through the empty kitchen. “Empty again?” she muttered, already pulling up the grocery delivery app.
Same-day delivery was a lifesaver, just like the instant coffee she was about to brew. But lately, that instant gratification feeling wasn’t hitting the spot.
There was a different kind of waiting Fancie had been trying to avoid – waiting on God. Her prayers felt like unanswered texts, her desires left on “read.”
She wasn’t sure if she could handle the waiting game, but a verse kept popping into her head:
“But those who wait for the Lord [who expect, look for, and hope in Him] shall change and renew their strength and power; they shall lift their wings and mount up [close to God] as eagles [mount up to the sun]; they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint or become tired.”
Isaiah 40:31 (AMPC)
Could there be benefits of waiting on God? Could it actually be a good thing? Could it bring her closer to God, not further away?
Intrigued, Sarah decided to dig deeper. Perhaps the wait wasn’t about twiddling her thumbs, but about an incredible journey of transformation.
Join me as we explore the 7 benefits of waiting on the Lord and the blessings that come with trusting His perfect timing.
1. Renewed Strength To Soar

Waiting requires patience and perseverance. After years of crying out to the Lord, the prophet Habakkuk declared he would “wait” for God’s intervention, even if deliverance was delayed.
“I will climb my watchtower now and wait to see what answer God will give to my complaint.”
Habakkuk 2:1 (TLB)
Waiting will strengthen your faith muscles. Like an athlete in training, you will gain spiritual stamina as you turn to God in hopeful expectation.
Prophet Isaiah assures us that this patient waiting will renew our strength. You’ll exchange your weakness for God’s power.
“But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.”
Isaiah 40:31 (ESV)
What encouragement! God will equip you to rise above trials and soar upon wings of renewed strength. You’ll be empowered to live and serve from spiritual high places.
Waiting will also uplift your perspective. As you fix your eyes on Jesus, earthly troubles will seem smaller. You’ll gain the courage to continue by tapping into His strength.
2. Guidance For The Path Ahead

Waiting will also position you to receive God’s guidance. The Lord promises to instruct and teach you during seasons of waiting:
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye.”
Psalm 32:8 (NKJV)
As you pause to seek the Lord, He will illuminate the path ahead. Waiting will sensitize your spiritual ears to hear the still, small voice of the Holy Spirit.
While waiting, God will fine-tune your ability to detect His quiet promptings. You’ll become increasingly attentive and responsive to His subtle whispers directing your steps.
Those who wait upon the Lord receive heavenly guidance. God maps out the road ahead with His all-seeing eye. He gives you wisdom at every fork and turn in your life journey.
3. Stability And Steadiness

In addition to strength and guidance, waiting will give you inner stability. The Lord will establish your steps so you can walk with a steady footing.
“23 The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, And He delights in his way. 24 Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down; For the Lord upholds him with His hand.”
Psalm 37:23-24 (NKJV)
Though storms may arise, God will stabilize you to weather every trial as you wait on Him.
He will hold you fast so you will not falter. Our steadfast Savior will keep you from falling into total ruin.
Waiting will train you to stand firm in shaky times. God will anchor your feet on the rock of His promises. He will steady your heart when anxiety threatens to overtake you.
You’ll gain unshakable confidence in God’s care. He’ll uphold you with His righteous hand until the storm passes by.
4. Freedom From Entanglements

Waiting will also protect you from missteps and entanglements outside of God’s will.
In Joshua 9, the Israelites failed to seek the Lord’s guidance concerning a treaty with the Gibeonites.
Deceived by appearances, they rushed ahead blindly. This led to devastating consequences down the road.
When you refuse to wait for God’s direction, you’ll stumble into “battles” not meant for you. Impatience causes unnecessary trouble.
But as you wait on the Lord, He’ll shield you from potential pitfalls. God will withhold His favor from partnerships and projects that could ensnare you.
Waiting will spare you from painful extrication further down the road. You’ll avoid soul ties that would divert you from God’s best. Pray and seek God’s face to protect you from ungodly soul ties.
King David wrote:
“My soul, wait silently for God alone, for my expectation is from Him.”
Psalm 62:5 (NKJV)
Your deliverance rests in God alone.
5. Outpouring Of Blessings

One of the greatest rewards of waiting is God’s outpouring of blessings. Isaiah assured God’s people:
“Therefore the Lord will wait, that He may be gracious to you; And therefore He will be exalted, that He may have mercy on you.”
Isaiah 30:18 (NKJV)
How comforting to know God eagerly waits for opportunities to lavish you with His grace. He yearns to pour out His endless supply of mercy upon you.
But first God waits for the perfect time to release blessings into your life. He sees the full picture. Though delays may frustrate you, God times the arrival of blessings for maximum impact.
When you wait with hopeful expectations, treasures from heaven come through. Isaiah said those who wait on the Lord “shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles…” (40:31).
After long periods of seeking God, you’ll rise up renewed. Strength and vitality will return. The Lord will pour out His Spirit and favor to empower you.
Grace upon grace flows from the Father’s throne to those who wait (John 1:16). You’ll tap into rivers of living water as you patiently depend on Him.
6. Joy And Praise Renewed

Waiting on God will also renew your joy and praise.
David declared:
“I waited patiently for the Lord; and He inclined to me, and heard my cry.”
Psalm 40:1 (NKJV)
In response, David’s heart overflowed in worshipful celebration.
“He has put a new song in my mouth—Praise to our God;
many will see it and fear, and will trust in the Lord.”Psalm 40:3 (NKJV)
Though you may grow weary in the season of waiting, God will fill your mouth with singing when your deliverance comes. Your heart will swell with joyful gratitude for His faithfulness.
As others observe God’s goodness breaking through in your life, your testimony will point them to Christ. Your often-desperate prayers will turn into joyful praise.
“Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the Lord.”
Psalm 40:3 (ESV)
Your patient waiting will usher in new songs of praise. As you bless the Lord, your strength and joy will multiply. His praise will continually fill your lips.
7. Deepened Relationship With God

One of the greatest benefits of waiting is a richer relationship with Jesus. Waiting forces you to slow down and spend time in His presence.
Rather than busyness and distraction, seasons of waiting invite you into peaceful rest at the Savior’s feet. As you turn your focus to Christ, intimacy with Him will deepen.
Waiting will transform how you interact with God. Your thoughts will shift from “bless me now” demands to simply longing for Him. You’ll seek His face more than His blessings.
Lonely wilderness seasons will develop a higher level of devotion to Christ you never knew was possible. Trials will force you to develop deeper roots in His unchanging love.
God often uses waiting to reveal areas of idolatry. Where have you made the gifts from God into idols?
Waiting will refine these misplaced affections. It will purify your love for Christ.
Though painful, seasons of waiting will carve out depth in your soul. God maximizes these times to strengthen your bond with Him to a point where it cannot be broken.
Your relationship with Christ will emerge richer and better than ever before.
Key Takeaways: Benefits of Waiting Upon The Lord
- Waiting renews your spiritual strength and brings you into intimate communion with Christ.
- God imparts wisdom and guidance to those who wait upon Him.
- Waiting stabilizes you to walk with steady footing through every storm.
- Seeking God’s counsel prevents ungodly soul ties and entanglements from forming.
- Patiently waiting ushers in showers of blessings at just the right time.
- Waiting leads to deeper worship, joy, and testimony that draws others to God.
- Though difficult, waiting fosters greater Christ-centeredness and devotion to Him.
Waiting stretches your faith. But as you turn to God in hope, He’ll pour out His blessings at just the right time. You’ll gain far more than you lose.
Friend, take heart if you are in a season of obscurity and waiting right now. God promises breakthrough blessings to those who put their hope in Him.
May God renew your strength as you wait upon Him!
Frequently Asked Questions About Waiting on God
Q. Why does God make us wait?
A. God’s timing is perfect. He uses waiting to strengthen your faith, refine your character, deepen intimacy with Him, and set the stage for blessings to have maximum impact when they come.
Q. How do I wait well?
A. Approach times of waiting with hopeful expectations. Don’t give up. Stay connected to God through prayer, worship, and time in His Word. Trust His timing and process. Ask Him to renew your strength.
Q. What if God seems silent?
A. God may seem silent but is often working in ways you can’t see. Trust His promises and character. Bring your frustrations and doubts to Him in prayer. Seek godly counsel from mature Christians if needed. God hears you even when it feels otherwise.
Q. Why do others seem to get blessed sooner?
A. Comparing yourself to others will only lead to resentment. We each have unique callings and maturation processes. What matters most is that you steward well the place God has you in now. His timing and purposes for each Christian are different.
Q. How can I stay hopeful while waiting?
A. Remind yourself of God’s past faithfulness in your life. Take refuge in His promises. Stay engaged in an encouraging Christian community. Keep an eternal perspective. Your present trials are “light and momentary” compared to eternity with Christ (2 Corinthians 4:17).