Do you desire a deeper relationship with God? Do you want more of the Holy Spirit’s presence, power, and gifts in your life?
Hosting the Holy Spirit is very important for every Christian. As you make room for Him, you’ll experience supernatural breakthroughs, spiritual growth, inner peace, and greater intimacy with Jesus.
In this blog post, you’ll discover practical ways to invite the Holy Spirit into your life and become a dwelling place for God’s presence.
Develop a Lifestyle of Worship, Prayer, and Bible Reading

The first step to hosting the Holy Spirit is to create space for God through regular worship, prayer, and Bible reading.
These spiritual disciplines position your heart to encounter Jesus and be filled with the Spirit.
As you praise God for who He is, confess your sins, intercede for others, and meditate on scripture, you surrender more of your life to Him.
The Holy Spirit has more room to move and work in you.
“For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them”
Matthew 18:20 (NIV)
Set aside time daily to seek God. Even 10-15 minutes makes a big difference! As you continually return to the Lord in prayer, you’ll experience more of His presence and peace.
Invite the Holy Spirit into Every Area of Your Life

Next, consciously invite the Holy Spirit into every area of your life – your work, relationships, struggles, decisions, and more.
Pray prayers like,
“Holy Spirit, I welcome You into this project at work. Show me how to excel for God’s glory.”
Or, “Thank You, Holy Spirit, for being with me during this difficult conversation. Give me wisdom beyond my years.”
As you rely on the Spirit throughout your day, He’ll empower you to shine for Jesus, bear spiritual fruit, operate in gifts like teaching and discernment, and overcome challenges by God’s strength.
“And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever – the Spirit of truth”
John 14:16-17 (NIV)
The Holy Spirit is your Counselor and Helper. Talk to Him all day as you would a friend.
Soak in His Presence at Spirit-Filled Gatherings

One of the best ways to experience the Holy Spirit is to soak in His presence at Spirit-filled gatherings of God’s people.
Whether it’s a Sunday morning service, a small group Bible study, or worship night, as you come expectantly and open your heart to Jesus, the Spirit manifests in supernatural ways.
Boldly enter God’s presence together through praise and enjoy intimate communion with Him.
The Holy Spirit uses Spirit-filled environments to:
- Transform our lives
- Speak prophetically
- Stir spiritual gifts like healing or tongues
- Grant breakthroughs from addictions
- Renew our spiritual fervor, and so much more.
Surrounding yourself with believers who are hungry for more of the Spirit causes you to hunger for more too! Their passion for Jesus sparks your own heart.
Yield Every Area of Your Life to Jesus

Next, yield every area of your life to the control and Lordship of Jesus Christ.
The Holy Spirit moves mightily in those who are surrendered to God. As you yield your thoughts, time, conversations, finances, relationships, work, ministry, dreams – everything to Christ, the Spirit’s wind blows strongly upon you.
You must decrease so He can increase (John 3:30). Choose God’s way over your own and this will lead to the Holy Spirit’s anointing and power.
Yielding requires humility, trust, and obedience. It enables the Holy Spirit to mold you into Christ’s image and direct your steps each day.
Listen closely for His promptings and leading. Divine appointments and unexpected encounters often follow your obedience.
Walk in Holiness and Avoid Grieving the Spirit

As a Christian, God has called you to pursue holiness out of reverence for Him (Hebrews 12:14 NIV).
“Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.”
When you compromise your values and indulge in sin, you grieve the Holy Spirit and hinder His work in you.
God in His mercy will convict you of unrighteous behavior and empower you to walk upright through repentance and dependency on Christ’s finished work.
Be quick to confess your sins and turn from temptation with the Spirit’s help. He will heal and restore you! God loves holiness because He is holy.
As you fellowship with the Holy Spirit daily, partner with Him in ministry, obey His voice, and pursue Christ-like virtue your life will shine brilliantly for Jesus and accurately represent our perfect Father.
Hunger for more, my friend! Invite the Holy Spirit into every sphere of your life. He will transform you into a vessel ready to pour out God’s glory upon you (Acts 2:17 NIV)!
“In the last days, God says, I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams.”
Key Takeaways on How to Host the Holy Spirit
- Develop a lifestyle of daily worship, prayer, and Bible study
- Talk to the Holy Spirit throughout your day as a friend
- Soak in His presence at Spirit-filled church gatherings
- Completely yield all areas of your life to Jesus
- Walk in holiness and quickly repent of sins
- Hunger for more of the Spirit’s presence and power!
I encourage you to take these action steps and watch what the Holy Spirit will do in and through you! The world desperately needs more Spirit-led ambassadors shining Christ’s hope.
You were created to walk in supernatural power through the Holy Ghost. It starts with inviting Him to take His rightful place on the throne of your heart.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. How Do I Know if the Holy Spirit Lives in Me?
A. When you put your faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit regenerates your spirit and dwells within you (1 Corinthians 6:19).
Evidence of His presence includes conviction of sin, hunger for God’s Word, power to overcome sin, understanding of scripture, and more. Desire His presence and yield to Him today!
Q. Why is the Holy Spirit Sometimes Called the Holy Ghost?
A. The Holy Ghost and Holy Spirit refer to one being – the very Spirit of God who indwells believers.
Holy Ghost originates from older English versions of the Bible. Rest assured, He is not a “ghost” but rather the Spirit of our holy God who makes His home in us!
Q. How Can I Be Filled with More of the Holy Spirit?
A. As a Christian, you are continuously filled with more of the Holy Spirit when you pursue spiritual disciplines, obey God’s Word, surrender fully to Christ, and ask for fresh infillings of the Holy Spirit.
Walking in God’s grace and power takes consistency, which transforms your inward life with God’s loving presence. Let your cup overflow today, friend!