Spiritual warfare is a reality that we, as believers, need to understand.
There is a battle going on for your soul, and the enemy, Satan, desires nothing more than to destroy your relationship with God and lead you astray.
Learning how to pray through spiritual warfare can help strengthen and encourage you as you fight the good fight of faith.
In this article, I will provide you with spiritual warfare prayers and verses from the Bible to help you wage war against the enemy.
Why Spiritual Warfare Prayers Are Essential for Believers

Spiritual warfare is necessary because Satan hates God and does everything he can to separate us from Him.
He tempts believers to sin, accuses them before God, and slanders the church.
Satan has already been defeated by Jesus through His death on the cross and resurrection from the dead, but he still prowls around looking for someone to devour (1 Peter 5:8 NIV).
“Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.”
As Christians, we cannot ignore the reality of spiritual warfare. The Apostle Paul said to:
“Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”
Ephesians 6:11 (NIV)
Praying while in spiritual warfare keeps you alert to satanic attacks and helps you to stand firm in God’s power.
Your prayers will activate the spiritual armor and weapons God has given us to overcome evil.
With Christ, you have everything you need to defeat attacks from the enemy. But you must pray!
Spiritual warfare prayers will help you walk in the authority and protection God has provided for you in Jesus.
The Armor of God for Spiritual Warfare Prayers

Before looking at specific warfare prayers, it helps to understand the armor of God described in Ephesians 6:10-18.
The armor includes:
- The belt of truth.
- The breastplate of righteousness.
- Shoes of the gospel of peace.
- The shield of faith.
- The helmet of salvation.
- The sword of the Spirit.
Each piece of the armor represents spiritual truths that will help you to overcome satanic attacks and fight the evil one.
As you pray in spiritual warfare claim the power of Christ over each element of the armor.
For example, put on the belt of truth to expose satanic lies and pull down the strongholds in your mind.
Put on the breastplate of righteousness and remind the enemy that you have been made righteous in Christ.
Each piece is designed to equip you against every scheme of the enemy.
10 Powerful Spiritual Warfare Prayers to Help You Battle Satan

The following are some sample spiritual warfare prayers to pray as you put on the armor of God each day.
Pray through each section, personally applying the truths and asking God to protect, strengthen, and deliver you in Jesus’ name.
1. Prayer for the Armor of God
“Heavenly Father, I put on the full armor of God and take my stand against satan and his attacks. I pray that You would equip me to walk in righteousness and the knowledge of Your Word. Strengthen me in my inner being to wage war against spiritual forces of evil. Give me discernment to recognize and extinguish the flaming arrows of the evil one. I put on the belt of truth, the breastplate of righteousness, the shoes of the gospel, the shield of faith, the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit. I wield these weapons in the power of God as I pray against evil. Thank You for this mighty armor. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
2. Prayer Against Satanic Lies and Strongholds
“Lord Jesus, I renounce all the lies and strongholds satan has formed in my mind. I break these footholds of the enemy and demolish arguments and false teachings exalting themselves against the knowledge of God. I capture every thought and bring it into obedience to You. I expose the deceitful schemes of the enemy. Help me to take my thoughts captive and make them obedient to Christ. Grow me in discernment so that I am not ignorant of satan’s devices. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
3. Prayer for Strength to Resist Temptation
“Heavenly Father, give me strength to resist temptation and stand firm against the traps of the enemy. Your Word says we do not wage war against flesh and blood but against satan and his evil forces. Give me discernment to recognize attacks from the enemy and wisdom to stand against his tricks. Where I feel weak, I pray that You would make me strong through the power of the Holy Spirit. Help me put on the full armor of God each day so that I can take my stand. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
4. Prayer of Protection Against Evil
“Lord Jesus, I pray against all forms of evil coming against me and my family. Keep us safe from all physical and spiritual harm. Where the enemy would try to destroy, I pray that You would deliver and rescue us. I know that no weapon formed against us will prosper because the One who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. Thank You that You have already overcome and that Your name and blood are mighty to save. I declare that no evil will conquer me because Jesus has already won the victory. Hallelujah!”
5. Prayer for Discernment of Spirits
“Father, increase my discernment and help me test every spirit to reveal what is from You and what is from the enemy. Your Word says that the Holy Spirit will guide me into all truth and convict me of sin, righteousness, and judgment. Give me clarity to know Your voice and be led by the Spirit of truth. Close all doors that allow deception, lies, and deceiving spirits to influence me. Open my eyes to see what You want me to see. Close my eyes and cover my ears from all that You want to protect me from. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
6. Prayer to Break Ungodly Soul Ties
“Lord Jesus, I repent and renounce any ungodly soul tie with those who do not follow You. Forgive me for opening doors in my life that have harmed my relationship with You. I break all ungodly bonds with any individual or object that has become an idol in my life. Please purify me from these soul ties that have grieved Your heart. Restore in me a deep love for You as my First Love. Protect me from any influence attempting to pull me away from Your Presence. Jesus, You are my source of hope, security, and identity. No one and nothing can separate me from Your love. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.”
7. Prayer for Healing from Emotional Wounds
“Heavenly Father, I come to You asking for complete healing from the emotional wounds I carry. Heal the places deep within that are damaged and unprotected. Shine Your marvelous light into the depths of my heart and heal me. I know that nothing is impossible for You. You care deeply about every area of my life. I surrender to You now and pray for Your wholeness and restoration to come over me. Heal all the ways my mind, will, emotions, and desires have been impacted. I trust that You have good in store for my life. Thank You for your compassion, grace, and care. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
8. Prayer for Freedom from Toxic Thoughts
“Lord Jesus, purify my thoughts and cleanse my mind from any toxic thinking or mental strongholds. Wash me through and through with Your Word which renews my mind and transforms my thinking. When anxious thoughts arise, remind me of Your truths and promises found in Scripture. When my mind feels overwhelmed, let Your peace fill me and guard my heart and mind. Free me from poisonous thoughts rooted in fear, unforgiveness, anger, and self-pity. I take every thought captive and make it obedient to You. Align my mind to Your perfect will. Amen.”
9. Prayer Against Evil Spirits and Satanic Attacks
“Heavenly Father, I come to You as Your child, redeemed and washed in the blood of Jesus. I proclaim Your authority over all evil spirits and satanic attacks against me. The enemy wants to oppress me with heavy burdens, but I declare that Jesus has already carried my heaviest burden – the weight of my sin. No spirit of anxiety, depression, oppression, addiction, or persecution can separate me from Your love. I close every door I have opened to satanic oppression in my life. I claim the power and protection Jesus has made available to me by His death and resurrection. I have nothing to fear, for the battle belongs to You Lord! In Jesus’s name, Amen.”
10. Prayer for Victory in Spiritual Warfare
“Almighty God, You are strong and mighty in battle. Your power and authority overcome all evil. I praise You for the victory that Jesus has already won by conquering sin, death, and the grave! Thank You that the enemy is under the feet of our Savior. I come to You today claiming the victory Jesus gained. His righteousness defeats all wickedness. I pray against the enemy finding any foothold in my life. Expose every scheme and plan of satan so that he is forced to flee. I fully surrender every area of my life to the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Strengthen me daily with Your Spirit to stand firm against attacks from the enemy. Fill me afresh with Your peace, joy, and supernatural power to be victorious in spiritual warfare through Christ. In Jesus’ mighty name, amen!”
Key Takeaways on Spiritual Warfare Prayers
- Spiritual warfare is real and requires vigilance, discernment, and prayer from believers.
- Satan actively tries to separate us from God and destroy our faith.
- Jesus has already defeated satan through His death, resurrection, and ascension.
- God has given us powerful spiritual armor and weapons to defeat the enemy.
- Faithfully praying through spiritual warfare keeps our eyes on Christ’s victory.
- These sample prayers are meant to inspire and encourage you to pray.
- Standing firm in God’s strength enables us to resist temptation and evil.
- Ask the Holy Spirit each day to help you to put on the full armor of God.
- Fight the good fight of faith with your eyes fixed on Jesus!
In conclusion, make spiritual warfare prayers part of your daily prayer life. God is with you and will bring you through every battle victorious!
Frequently Asked Questions About Spiritual Warfare Prayers
Q. What is a spiritual battle?
A. A spiritual battle is the ongoing struggle between good and evil, both in the spirit and human realms. It is the fight against the evil forces of darkness that come against followers of Christ.
Q. What are the weapons of our warfare?
A. The weapons of our warfare are the tools and strategies provided by God to help us in our spiritual battles.
These include faith, prayer, the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus, the Word of God, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the armor of God.
Q. How often should I pray spiritual warfare prayers?
A. Every day! Start your day by putting on the full armor of God. Pray through elements of the armor piece by piece.
Throughout your day, continue praying as you face temptations, doubts, anxieties, demonic attacks, etc.
Q. What are effective strategies when praying against the enemy?
A. Claim scriptural truths and promises of God’s Word, praise Jesus for defeating satan, repent of any open doors in your life, renounce involvement with anything tied to the occult, exalt the name of Jesus, and pray out loud in the authority of Christ.
Q. Why do my spiritual warfare prayers go unanswered sometimes?
A. God may be teaching you perseverance and dependence on Him. Other times, there are blockages in our lives like unrepentant sin, unforgiveness, or demonic strongholds that prevent prayers from being answered. Seek wise counsel if you are struggling.
Q. Can I pray against demonic attacks hurting someone else?
A. Yes, you can take someone else’s needs before God. Plead the blood of Jesus over them, pray for protection, ask for any entry points to be closed, and command any evil spirits to go in Jesus’ name. Binding and loosing prayers can also be prayed for them.
Q. Is praying the Word of God vital in spiritual warfare?
A. Absolutely! God’s Word is living, active, and sharper than any double-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12). It is a spiritual weapon.
Quoting, praying, and proclaiming Scripture out loud hits the enemy hard.
Q. How do heavenly places relate to spiritual battles?
A. Heavenly places are mentioned in the Bible as the spiritual realm where God dwells.
In spiritual battles, we are called to access these heavenly places through prayer and spiritual connection to gain guidance, strength, and victory over evil.
Q. How do we deal with spiritual attacks?
A. Dealing with spiritual attacks involves staying rooted in faith, relying on God’s strength, praying fervently, seeking support from fellow believers, and using the spiritual weapons at our disposal.
It’s important to remember that we have the authority to overcome every evil through Christ.
Q. How can we achieve victory against every evil?
A. We can achieve victory against every evil by surrendering ourselves to God, seeking His guidance and protection, and standing firm in our faith.
Through prayer, relying on God’s power, and utilizing spiritual weapons, we can overcome any spiritual battle and experience victory.
Q. What should I do if I feel under spiritual attack?
A. If you feel under spiritual attack, it’s crucial to turn to God for strength, seek support from your spiritual community, and engage in spiritual disciplines such as prayer, meditation, and studying the Word.
It’s important to remember that you are not alone, and God is always with you in the midst of the battle.