If you’ve decided to follow Jesus, one of the first steps of obedience is to get baptized.
I’ll never forget my own water baptism 24 years ago and the exciting spiritual experience that happened to me that day.
After I got saved in 1999, I immediately joined 29 other new believers in a 3-month new believers class at my church. On completion of the teachings on the basics of Christianity, it was time for water baptism.
Early one Sunday morning at 6:30 am we went down to a public swimming pool near the church and we were baptized by our Pastor. What an exciting moment!
That day is forever etched in my memory as later that same day while worshipping God in the service I also got baptized in the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues.
For me, baptism marked a public milestone representing the profound spiritual transformation that happened inside me.
Going into the water declared I had died to my old way of life. Coming back up symbolized resurrection power was energizing my new life in Christ!
In this post, we’ll explore what the Bible says about baptism, its deep symbolic meaning, compelling examples from Scripture, and key reasons why every new believer should make baptism a priority.
Baptism publicly expresses your new identity as a follower of Jesus. It pictures how through faith, you spiritually join Jesus in His death and resurrection.
Baptism Publicly Declares Your Faith

When you get baptized, you’re making a public profession of your faith in Jesus Christ. It’s a way of announcing to the world: “I’m a follower of Jesus!”
Baptism is an outward expression of an inward commitment you’ve made in your heart. It signifies that you’ve committed your life to following Jesus and you’re leaving your old sinful way of living behind.
Jesus commanded his disciples in Matthew 28:19 (NIV):
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.”
Baptism is a step of obedience Jesus expects from all His followers after they’ve decided to believe in Him.
Baptism Symbolizes Death and Resurrection with Jesus

There’s profound symbolism in baptism that represents our spiritual union with Jesus in His death and resurrection.
Going down under the water is symbolic of you dying and being buried with Christ. Coming back up signifies you being raised to walk in the newness of life (Romans 6:4).
By personally identifying with Jesus’ death through baptism, you’re affirming that your old sinful self has been crucified with Christ (Romans 6:6).
And by identifying with His resurrection, you signify that you now have new life as a new creation in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:17).
Romans 6:3-4 (NIV) explains:
“3 Or don’t you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? 4 We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life.”
So passing through the water baptism beautifully signifies your spiritual death, burial, and resurrection with Jesus.
When you get baptized, you’re proclaiming your participation and belief in Christ’s sacrifice on the cross for your sins.
Going under the waters represents dying to self so that when you emerge, you can live a life transformed by the power of Christ’s resurrection.
Examples in The Bible Show Baptism Followed Conversion

Numerous examples in the book of Acts reveal that new believers were immediately baptized right after they decided to follow Jesus.
Baptism followed conversion as a natural first step of obedience and public identification with Christ.
In Acts 2, Peter’s first sermon leads to dramatic conversions, and then in verse 41 we read:
“Those who accepted his message were baptized, and about three thousand were added to their number that day.”
When the Ethiopian eunuch heard the good news about Jesus from Philip, his immediate response was (Acts 8:36-38):
“Look, here is water. What can stand in the way of my being baptized?”
Philip baptized him on the spot. Paul himself was baptized right after his encounter with Jesus (Acts 9:18):
“Immediately, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see again. He got up and was baptized.”
Biblically speaking, water baptism is meant to follow your decision to follow Jesus right away, not months or years later. It represents the exciting change taking place inside you.
Baptism isn’t required for salvation, but it displays your willingness to publicly identify yourself as a follower of Jesus from now on.
If you haven’t been obedient in this yet, it’s time to take that important step.
4 Key Reasons To Get Baptized After Salvation

Besides obeying Christ’s command and following the example set by first-century believers, here are four key reasons you should aim to get baptized soon after conversion:
- It allows you to share an exciting milestone – Telling others about Jesus is the heart of the Great Commission. Your enthusiasm about baptism can stir others to seek their own encounter with Jesus.
- It affirms your new identity in Christ – Baptism says publicly, “Jesus is my Lord and Savior.” This pleases God.
- It draws you into greater commitment – When you nail your colors to the mast through baptism, you’re less likely to drift from actively following Jesus later. Declaring your faith outwardly helps energize it inwardly.
- It’s a checkpoint of obedience – If you find yourself putting off baptism repeatedly, check your heart. Are you resisting total commitment to follow Jesus? Fulfilling this step of obedience often leads to spiritual breakthroughs.
In baptism, God lovingly draws believers into a deeper experience of His transforming grace.
There’s spiritual power in going public with your decision for Jesus. You don’t want to miss out on this power in baptism!
Conclusion: Decide Now to Get Baptized
In the book of Acts during the first century, baptism was the undeniable outward sign that a repentant believer had died to sin and was now following Jesus wholeheartedly in their new Christian life.
This remains Jesus’ intent for all believers today.
If love for Jesus has flooded your soul and you know you’re saved, baptism is the vital, initiating step of obedience to commemorate your new life in Christ. So why wait?
Talk to a pastor or godly friend this week about getting baptized. Reread the baptism accounts in the Bible. Then prayerfully choose a date to be baptized soon.
When you publicly declare your loyalty to King Jesus through baptism, untold spiritual blessings await you. Baptism serves as an enduring reminder that your old self is buried, and you now walk in the newness of life with Jesus!
So are you ready to take this step? Please share your decision in the comments below.
Key Takeaways on Reasons To Be Baptized
- Baptism publicly expresses your new faith as a follower of Jesus.
- It symbolizes dying and rising with Christ into new life spiritually.
- New believers in the early church were immediately baptized after salvation.
- You should aim to get baptized soon after conversion.
Answering Common Baptism Questions
Let’s tackle some frequent questions that come up about water baptism so you’re equipped to make this meaningful step:
Q. Is baptism required to be saved?
A. No, baptism doesn’t save you. Salvation comes solely by God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8-9). But baptism is an important outward sign that salvation has happened in your heart.
Q. What if you were baptized as a baby?
A. Infant “baptism” doesn’t appear anywhere in Scripture. You should get baptized as a believing adult, even if you were dedicated as a baby. Your conscious choice to get baptized shows your personal commitment to Christ.
Q. Can you get baptized if no pastor is present?
A. Absolutely! Philip baptized the Ethiopian eunuch on the spot with no pastor around. Any follower of Christ can baptize you. The key is your public profession of faith.
Q. Does baptism itself have spiritual power?
A. No, there’s no supernatural power in the water itself. Baptism expresses inward faith in Christ. It’s the faith behind it that holds the power because of Christ.
Q. Can you get baptized more than once?
A. Generally no. Baptism symbolizes the once-for-all death and resurrection of Jesus applied to your life. However, getting rebaptized can be meaningful after a major spiritual turning point.