I don’t know about you, but there are times when I feel spiritually dry or distant from God. I get distracted by life’s busyness and don’t spend enough quality time in Scripture and prayer. My walk with Christ suffers.
I’m realizing more and more that I have a personal responsibility to pursue spiritual growth. I can’t just depend on my pastor’s Sunday sermons or even my small group Bible study to fully nourish my soul.
I need to consistently build myself up by studying God’s Word.
3 Reasons Why You Need to Dig into Scripture

The Bible teaches that all Scripture is “God-breathed” (2 Timothy 3:16).
Its pages contain the very words and truth of God that equip us for every good work. We have this incredible gift, yet so many of us barely crack it open!
Let’s consider a few key reasons why building yourself up in God’s Word needs to become a top priority:
1. Scripture Makes Your Thoughts Clear Amid Confusion
These days there seem to be so many competing voices telling us what to think and believe.
From social media to news outlets to friends and family, it’s easy to get pulled in different directions. God’s truth anchors us.
“I want you to remember what the holy prophets said long ago and what our Lord and Savior commanded through your apostles.”
2 Peter 3:2 (NLT)
As you meditate on the Bible, the fog of confusion will lift. You will gain discernment to separate truth from deception.
Your mind becomes renewed according to His ways rather than the world’s influence (Romans 12:2).
2. Hiding Scripture in Your Heart Empowers You to Resist Sin
Temptation is inevitable. Without internalizing God’s Word, you’re extremely vulnerable to acting on every urge or enticement. Scripture strengthens your resolve:
“I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”
Psalms 119:11 (NIV)
Isn’t that powerful? As you read, study, memorize, and meditate on the Bible, obedience becomes more natural. Sin loses its grip.
His Spirit can prompt you with exactly the right verse for when you need it most.
3. Scripture Prepares and Strengthens You for Spiritual Battles
Make no mistake – the enemy actively tries to disrupt your life and faith. Putting on the full “armor of God” prepares you to stand firm (Ephesians 6:10-20 NIV).
A key offensive spiritual weapon is identified as:
“…the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”
Ephesians 6:17 (NIV)
Just as Jesus responded to Satan’s temptation attempts with Scripture, you must learn to speak the Word out loud to counter attacks.
God’s Word cuts through lies seeking to undermine your relationship with Him.
There are so many more reasons to prioritize Scripture in building yourself up spiritually, but I hope these three motivate you to pick up that Bible a little more!
4 Practical Tips for Bible Engagement

You may feel inspired to dive deeper into God’s Word but still feel overwhelmed.
“Where do I start? How do I make this a consistent habit? What’s the best approach?”
I get it! Beginning a new spiritual discipline requires purposeful effort.
Let me provide some practical tips that can painlessly ease you into regularly studying the Bible:
1. Make Use of Bible Reading Plans
Reading through the entire Bible in a year sounds noble but lacks flexibility. Many of us benefit from a more structured approach.
Consider using a Bible reading plan focused on particular topics or that takes you through the Bible chronologically or in portions over the course of a year.
2. Listen to Scripture
Maybe cracking open a physical book feels laborious, but listening requires less effort!
You can play audio Bibles during your commute or while doing chores around the house. Let His Word saturate your atmosphere.
3. Engage in Group Bible Study

Get together regularly with other Christians to dive deep into Bible study. This will provide accountability and encouragement to keep learning.
My small group continually challenges me with thought-provoking questions and discussions.
Most churches offer group study opportunities such as for men, women, couples, youth, etc.
4. Purchase Resources to Aid Your Study
Don’t just rely on your barebones Bible to fully unpack its riches! Study Bibles, commentary guides, inspiring books, and even podcasts by Bible teachers can aid your exploration tremendously.
Highlighting, underlining, and taking notes in the columns – all can help God’s Word jump off the page with fresh understanding over time.
The key is to just take that first step to open your Bible or turn on a sermon – and then stick with it!
Don’t get discouraged if five minutes is all you can handle at first. Staying engaged takes time to build as a habit.
But I assure you from personal experience that regularly building yourself up in God’s Word profoundly impacts your spiritual life.
Now that we’ve covered why you need Scripture and some tips to get going, what sort of transformation can you expect from staying engaged over the long haul?
4 Transformational Impacts of Remaining in God’s Word

Scripture assures us that as believers in Christ,
“He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus”
Philippians 1:6 (NIV)
God uses Bible reading and study to continue that transformative work daily!
Let’s look at some of the powerful, hope-filled results you can look forward to:
1. You’ll internalize godly standards rather than worldly beliefs
It’s way too easy for our thinking to align with popular ideologies that clearly contradict biblical values.
Soaking yourself in Scripture will renew your mind to reflect godliness instead. You’ll become increasingly sensitive to what grieves the heart of God versus what pleases Him.
Sinful behaviors once taken for granted or even championed by society at large will strike a discordant note within your spirit. Romans 12:2 (ESV) explains,
“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.”
2. You’ll receive correction and reproof from Scripture without taking offense
One way God matures us is by correcting wrong attitudes and behaviors through His Word. But let’s be honest: no one enjoys being reproved!
Scripture promises, however, that “the Lord disciplines the one he loves” (Hebrews 12:6).
As our heavenly Father, He cares enough about our sanctification to point out harmful mindsets and actions that need realignment through Bible study.
As you build intimacy with Him, welcome this refining process even when it initially stings.
3. Meditating on the Bible imparts wisdom beyond human perspective
The application of Scripture transcends temporary cultural values and constraints. God’s Word remains eternally relevant and supernaturally potent for every generation.
The psalmist acknowledged,
“How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey in my mouth!”
Psalm 119:103 (ESV)
As you slow down to really digest and delight in Bible study, it will nourish your soul with timeless spiritual wisdom.
Your perspective will grow richer and deeper than what this fleeting world can offer.
4. You’ll live with holy confidence rather than compromise
Hiding Scripture within your heart will embolden you to follow Jesus wholeheartedly regardless of the opposition or trials you may face.
Doubt, disbelief, and apostasy lose influence as you stand firmly rooted in God’s promises found in the Bible.
Paul says it this way in 2 Corinthians 3:4-5 (ESV):
“4 Such is the confidence that we have through Christ toward God. 5 Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God.”
Let these examples spur you onward in pursuing intimacy with God through prioritizing Scripture reading, study, memorization, and meditation.
I hope they give you a renewed vision of why building yourself up spiritually requires regular biblical engagement.
Now I’d love to hear from you in the comments below!
Key Takeaways: Building Yourself Up in God’s Word
- You have a personal responsibility to pursue spiritual growth through studying the Bible
- Scripture anchors your thoughts amidst competing voices and clarifies truth from deception
- Hiding God’s Word in your heart empowers you to resist temptation and sin
- Studying the Bible prepares you for spiritual battles; speaking the Word out loud drives back the enemy
- Allow Scripture to internally transform you as God refines and corrects wrong attitudes
- Gain deeper wisdom and confidence by meditating on God’s eternal, life-giving Word
- Utilize Bible reading plans, listening tools, study resources, and Christian community for accountability
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Why do I need regular spiritual nourishment?
A. Just as your physical body needs wholesome nutrition for health and growth, so your spirit requires spiritual nourishment from God’s Word to thrive. Don’t neglect proper soul food!
Q. What if I fall behind on my Bible reading plan?
A. Life happens! If you miss a few days (or weeks), don’t use it as an excuse to give up in frustration. Repent if needed, get caught up a little at a time, and ask God for grace to help make it a priority going forward.
Q. Am I supposed to just read the Bible or also to study and memorize it?
A. Great question! All three are important for hiding God’s Word in your heart, so try to incorporate a mix. Listening to Scripture also counts. Find a rhythm, balancing intake with meditation.
Q. Why is Scripture memorization worthwhile?
A. Memorizing Scripture equips you with ready access to God’s truths for renewing your mind in everyday moments.
The Holy Spirit can prompt you with the right verse for the right situation. As Psalm 119:11 says, memorized Scripture helps us not sin against God.
Q. What should I do when I don’t understand part of the Bible?
A. Don’t get discouraged! First, pray for the Holy Spirit to illuminate His Word to you. Also, consult commentary aids, ask your pastor, or search reputable online resources for clarity. Some portions may remain mysterious until we reach eternity.
I hope these tips set you up for success in prioritizing regular Bible reading. Now go grab that Book and start building spiritual strength through its transforming power at work within you!