My daughter Vicky remembers the first time she truly understood what it meant to “walk with God.” She was 17 and struggling spiritually.
Despite growing up in church, her faith felt stale and distant. She wondered if intimacy with God was only for saints of old, like Enoch from Genesis.
Then one night, during a weekend retreat in the mountains, she took a moonlit hike with friends.
As they walked under a canopy of stars, singing hymns into the night, something stirred in her soul. She sensed God’s presence beside me, closer than ever before.
Tears flowed as His Spirit moved within her. She knew that walking with God didn’t require some super-spirituality. It simply meant pursuing a relationship – grounded in love, trust, and obedience – one step at a time.
In that moment, she chose to follow His lead wholeheartedly, wherever it took her. Little did she know that decision would lead her into adventures wilder than she could have dreamed.
Adventures marked by both suffering and joy as her walk with God deepened.
Looking back, she has learned a few simple practices to cultivate closeness with Him amidst life’s hustle.
I hope that Vicky’s story and the practical steps outlined in this post will kindle within you a longing for spiritual intimacy. For once you taste His presence, your soul will find its true home.
What Does “Walking With God” Mean?

On a basic level, walking with God means developing a close, intimate relationship with Him.
It involves setting aside regular time to communicate with Him through Bible study, prayer, worship, and listening for His voice.
Enoch’s example reveals that walking with God encompasses all areas of life:
“Enoch walked with God after he fathered Methuselah 300 years and had other sons and daughters.”
Genesis 5:22 (NIV)
This close companionship colored every aspect of his 969 years on earth.
Walking with God requires sensitivity to His presence and a willingness to follow wherever He leads. It means talking to Him constantly throughout the day and completely relying on His strength.
Those who walk closely with God order their priorities based on His desires rather than cultural norms or peer pressure.
While Enoch lived long before Christ, those who know Jesus as Savior have the additional privilege of walking with God. 1 John 1:7 (NIV) tells us:
“If we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus his Son cleanses us from all sin.”
Through faith in Christ, you enter an intimate walk of forgiveness, guidance, and friendship with God.
How Did Enoch Walk with God?

The Bible gives few details about Enoch’s life, but it reveals his devotion to God.
Genesis 5:22 says:
“Enoch walked faithfully with God 300 years.”
The Hebrew phrase used here is “halak im haElohim” which literally means to walk back and forth or keep pace with.
The term “walked” conveys continuous, unbroken communion with God.
Hebrews 11:5 (NIV) notes that:
“By faith Enoch was taken up so that he should not see death, and he was not found, because God had taken him.”
Enoch disappeared from Earth because God supernaturally transported him to heaven. This happened because he walked in such close fellowship with God.
Jude 14 (NIV) calls Enoch a prophet saying:
“Enoch, the seventh from Adam, prophesied about them: ‘See, the Lord is coming with thousands upon thousands of his holy ones to judge everyone.’”
As Enoch walked closely with God, he gained insight into future events which he shared boldly despite the increasing wickedness around him.
Though few details are recorded, the testimony of Enoch’s life echoes through Scripture as an outstanding example of wholehearted devotion to God.
His consistent walk of faith pleased God so deeply that He drew Enoch into His presence for eternity.
What Does it Look Like to Walk with God Today?

Since God has not taken most of us to heaven directly, what does developing this intimate walk look like today?
Though it will take a unique shape for each person, core practices remain unchanged.
Walking closely with God involves prioritizing the following:
1. Consistent Time in Scripture and Prayer
Set aside regular time to read God’s Word and communicate with Him. This is essential.
Start where you are – even 5-10 minutes daily can help you tune your heart to God’s voice.
Ask Him to reveal Himself and align your thoughts to His truth.
2. Total Surrender and Dependence
Walking closely with God requires giving Him complete control of every area of your life.
Recognize your limitations and trust His perfect strength and wisdom and you’ll find peace and purpose.
Let go of personal agendas and be willing to obey God even when it’s difficult.
3. Listening and Responding
Intimacy with God is a two-way street. As you pour out your heart to Him, you also need to get quiet and tune your ears to His promptings.
Write down the thoughts that come to mind after prayer or Bible study. Listen for that still small voice and step out in obedience to God’s direction.
4. Constant Communion
Aim to cultivate continual awareness of God’s presence, conversing with Him throughout your day.
Whether working, driving, exercising, or waiting in line, talk to Him as to a close friend. Begin seeing life from His perspective rather than only your own.
What Are the Benefits of Walking Closely with God?

Pursuing an intimate walk with God profoundly impacts every area of your life. Here are some of the benefits of walking with God:
- A deeper revelation of God’s love and character: Increased time in Scripture and prayer allows the Holy Spirit to lift the veil and reveal God’s heart in fresh ways.
- Strength to overcome sin: God’s presence contains the power you lack to walk in purity, honesty, and love. As you depend on Him continually, He will transform you from within.
- Guidance and direction: Intimacy with God will open your ears to receive His instructions. He’ll show you where to go, what to say, and how to accomplish His purposes.
- Security and rest: Walking closely with God will enable you to exchange fear and anxiety for calm trust in His control over every detail. You can let go of outcomes when your life is wholly in His hands.
- Confidence in your identity and purpose: As you listen to God’s voice, He will remind you that you are His beloved child created for good works. You will find contentment in who He made you to be.
If you long for these blessings, take heart! Our unchanging God still calls His followers into close companionship today. It all starts with a willing heart.
How Can I Start Walking Closely With God?

Whether you’re taking first steps or longing to go deeper, walking with God requires making space to meet with Him.
Try implementing one or two of these habits right where you are:
- Begin your day by opening your Bible: Read a short passage and ask God to speak to you. Jot down your thoughts in a prayer journal.
- Set a reminder to pause several times throughout your day. Offer a short prayer inviting God into the moment.
- Listen to worship music while driving or doing chores to focus on God.
- Schedule a longer period (30-60 minutes) at least once a week to read Scripture, pray, and listen quietly without distractions.
- Find a spiritually mature mentor or accountable friend to pray alongside and discuss God’s work in your lives.
- Attend a small group Bible study for encouragement and to grow in understanding God’s Word.
- Start small and be patient with yourself: Just whispering “Help me walk with you today” to God opens the door for Him to meet you where you are. He is so faithful in responding to hungry hearts!
Walking intimately with God looks different during each season of life, but the rewards far outweigh the effort.
There is no greater joy than living in step with the Holy Spirit and developing an ear attuned to God’s voice.
He promises unmatched peace and purpose to those who answer His invitation. Will you say yes?
Key Takeaways on Cultivating a Close Walk with God
- Walking with God means pursuing an intimate, devoted relationship with Him daily.
- Old Testament examples like Enoch show that God has always desired close companionship with His people.
- Key aspects of walking closely with God include Bible study, prayer, listening, dependence, and obedience.
- Set aside regular quiet time to communicate with God. This is essential for growing intimacy.
- Walking with God impacts every area of your life, from work to recreation to relationships.
- Draw near to God and He will draw near to you. Start small and He will meet you where you are!
Walking closely with God in this busy world may seem difficult, but millions can testify to its rewards.
With a willing heart and a commitment to prioritize time with Him, you’ll experience the Bible’s truths in a deeply personal way.
God promises unlimited blessings to those who earnestly seek Him – take that first step today!
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What if I struggle to understand the Bible?
A. Start by reading a paragraph or chapter each day, then ask God to highlight what stands out.
Use a study Bible or online resources to better grasp the context. Most importantly, focus on applying what you do understand.
Q. How do I know when God is speaking to me?
A. Write down the thoughts that come after prayer and Bible study. If they align with scriptural truth and bring peace, they are likely from God.
Seek wise counsel to help you discern God’s voice from your own.
Q. What if I don’t have much free time?
A. Start small – even 5 minutes a day makes a difference. Replace screen time with God time when possible.
Listen to praise music or sermons during routine activities. Ask God to reveal where you can create time.
Q. How long does it take to develop closeness with God?
A. For some it happens quickly, while for others intimacy grows slowly. Focus on consistency rather than perceived progress.
Seasons of spiritual dryness are normal, but don’t give up seeking God’s face. He rewards persistence and is always drawing you close.
Q. Why does obedience matter?
A. Obeying God demonstrates your trust in Him. It results in blessing, while disobedience blocks intimacy.
As you walk closely with God, His perfect will becomes clearer. Submission to God’s leadership is key to an unhindered relationship.
Q. What is a relationship with God?
A. A relationship with God is a spiritual connection between an individual and our Heavenly Father.
It is a personal and intimate bond that allows for communication, guidance, and a sense of purpose in life.
Q. What is a Psalm?
A. A Psalm is a sacred song or hymn used in religious worship. It is found in the Book of Psalms, which is a collection of poetic verses in the Hebrew Bible.
Q. What is the Christian life?
A. The Christian life refers to the way of life that is aligned with the teachings and principles of Jesus Christ. It involves living a life of faith, love, and obedience to God.
Q. What does it mean to walk closely with God?
A. To walk closely with God means to have a deep and intimate relationship with Him. It implies being in constant communion with God, seeking His guidance, and living in obedience to His will.
Q. What is the Word of God?
A. The Word of God refers to the teachings and messages found in the Bible. The Bible is the divine revelation given by God to guide and instruct believers in their faith and life.
Q. Can I also walk with God?
A. Yes, anyone can walk with God. Walking with God is open to all individuals who believe in Jesus Christ and seek to have a relationship with Him. It is a personal choice and commitment to follow Him.
Q. What does it mean when it says God is bringing something into my life?
A. It refers to God’s intervention and providence. It means that God is orchestrating circumstances and events for a specific purpose or to fulfill His plan in your life.
Q. What is the glory of God?
A. The glory of God refers to His greatness, majesty, and splendor. It encompasses His divine attributes, character, and the manifestation of His presence and power.
Q. What does it mean to walk humbly with your God?
A. To walk humbly with your God means to approach Him with humility, reverence, and a submissive heart. It involves acknowledging His authority and seeking to live according to His will.